Indoor RDWC/SOIL 6x9 1550W led/hid - 10 Dinafem haze xxl- Canuk cheese/sweet tooth

nice looking set up for sure, I will ask you the same question I ask everyone who is growing in DWC, how much air do you have going to each site?
so i'm on the light end with a 795 gph pump but I have a very small amount of that going to a stone in the reservoir, I dont want the solution just sitting in there by the time it hits the chiller and back in the bucket the o2 would be gone, I should be using a 1000gph for a 4 site w res. I keep my res temps cold tho. i've heard 200gph per bucket is the minimum you want.
@scubascrog I am going to make a suggestion to you that you can do or not but I have it on great Authority that you need a LOT more air than that, don't skimp on the air my friend you will not be maximizing your space if you stay at that current air flow. In my experience you need about 50 Litres Per Minute or roughly 750 GPH to EACH site. Now that is maximum. 223927-e51cdc949f059f3915468c540381187a.jpg This is why you want as much air as you can put to your roots, there are several new DWC growers here like @jtrain252 @dcat0921 and a few others who can probably back me up on this. I have my formal education in Botany and Horticulture this is why DWC is so amazing, it is because it is the way to get the most amount of oxygen to the roots of the cannabis plant, because almost above all else cannabis likes air to its roots. Your setup is amazing I would hate for you to get hit with a bunch of root rot due to insufficient air flow to your root zone. You have obviously spent quite a bit of time, effort and money to get your setup the way it is. Spend another hundred or so bucks and get another air pump or two and more stones. Check out my AutoXtreme grow in my sig.
Just one word of advice.
Make sure you dont blast your roots with 50LPM straight away. Seedlings can take around 15LPM and then you can gradually increase the air flow as they get older, otherwise you are going to blow off feeder roots and stunt your plants.