Extraction QWET to Vape

Great read and good process. Looking forward to the video!

It was interesting to see you documenting the warm wash vs cold wash QWET. I thought it should be as cold as possible to reduce contaminant pickup. Have you done anymore comparisons lately to verify?

Have you used syringe filters (0.5-1 micron) to help with the process of cleaning up the extract? Maybe after winterization stage before the evap or decarb?

Speaking of decarb...... in your method it looks like a straight evaporation yields a better result for clarity...... so you don’t decarb correct? Does this mean that your vaporizer cartridge is performing this function for you?

What cartridges are you using for this type of viscosity?

Loving the Büchner funnel. It sure reduces the contact time of the ethanol while under vacuum vs dropping through a filter.

I’ll try your process after harvest in the new year. Hopefully I’ll have some observations to share with you and help out the quest for the best tasting, most potent product!

Keep up the good work!
@Mysterion The best results have come from freezer QWET 5 minute using fresh frozen buds. If you do not have fresh frozen buds the next best option is warm QWET 5 minute with CarbonX treatment.

Syringe filters just blow out.

I have tried de-carbing and not. De-carbed is a tiny bit thinner before adding terpenes. That is the only difference I have observed. It did not change the buzz.

I have tried at least 30 different disposable carts - all of them have a short coming.

The buchner is the only way to go to get the waxes out. After winterizing at least overnight you have to filter it out while still below freezing otherwise the wax melts and get past the filter paper. Work fast!

When you do fresh frozen QWET... are you harvesting and freezing right away or do you dry for a few days down to 62% and then freeze?

Have you needed or tried CarbonX with the fresh frozen QWET?

It would be nice to recover the 85% of the ethanol after to keep the cost down. Then pour the remainder into a tray to evap. I think you said the distiller does this but makes the product dark? Did you do the process under vacuum yet?

Have you tried adding straight terpenes and skipping the viscosity part altogether? I’m just wondering what viscosity does and why you like to use it.

Have you tried out the glass ceramic CCell carts?They are supposed to be pretty good. They come in 1ml and 0.5ml.

Don’t get me wrong.....The end product looks great..... I love the amber color. I am just curious about this subject and trying to learn all I can!

Ok I just re-read the thread to make sure I got it all down.

The CarbonX shouldn’t be required if using fresh frozen and cold QWET.

You still decarb the final product after open air evap, before going into vape carts. But at this stage it doesn’t impart a toasty flavour correct?

Have you tried the product without the Decarb stage? Mixing viscosity and terpenes with the scrape after open air..... I think most vape pens with temp control could perform the decarb or no?

Because you distill the cheap vodka.... this isn’t considered a big deal for loss overall. It ends up being pretty cheap vs buying and saving everclear.

At harvest, could you just put a bunch of buds in the freezer and use them when ready? Or does the prolonged time spent in the freezer affect the final product?

Back to work.....

When you do fresh frozen QWET... are you harvesting and freezing right away or do you dry for a few days down to 62% and then freeze?
Fresh frozen means fresh frozen
Have you needed or tried CarbonX with the fresh frozen QWET?
No, Yes.
It would be nice to recover the 85% of the ethanol after to keep the cost down. Then pour the remainder into a tray to evap. I think you said the distiller does this but makes the product dark? Did you do the process under vacuum yet?
Long story wait for the video. Do what process under vacuum?
Have you tried adding straight terpenes and skipping the viscosity part altogether? I’m just wondering what viscosity does and why you like to use it.
Yes, Viscocity is terpenes.
Have you tried out the glass ceramic CCell carts?They are supposed to be pretty good. They come in 1ml and 0.5ml.
Yes, I have tried them and 30 or more others. None are perfect.

You still decarb the final product after open air evap, before going into vape carts. But at this stage it doesn’t impart a toasty flavour correct?
I do not bother Decarbing anymore.

Because you distill the cheap vodka.... this isn’t considered a big deal for loss overall. It ends up being pretty cheap vs buying and saving everclear.
Cost of ehtanol is about $9 per batch not counting time to distill.
At harvest, could you just put a bunch of buds in the freezer and use them when ready? Or does the prolonged time spent in the freezer affect the final product?
Don't know as I usually process after a few days in the freezer.
@Mysterion @Mañ'O'Green

My input:

Have you tried adding straight terpenes and skipping the viscosity part altogether? I’m just wondering what viscosity does and why you like to use it.
Yes, Viscocity is terpenes.
The viscosity is basically a tasteless terpene. The others that can be used are a flavored terpene. I just do not need the extra taste, so I only use the viscosity.

Oh ok. Thanks for clearing that up for me. So one could use a lot less flavour terpene by adding viscosity. That is good to know..... cause sometimes I find carts way too terpy!
@Mysterion @Mañ'O'Green

My input:

Have you tried adding straight terpenes and skipping the viscosity part altogether? I’m just wondering what viscosity does and why you like to use it.
Yes, Viscocity is terpenes.
The viscosity is basically a tasteless terpene. The others that can be used are a flavored terpene. I just do not need the extra taste, so I only use the viscosity.
@Nosias @Mysterion
Nosias the strain flavored terpenes do more than just add flavor. First off they are not created equal different brands have different formulas and some just plain lie about what they are using. So far the two best brands of non-cannabis terpenes IMPO are Delta9 and Terpene Botanicals. When added to the same base QWET you get distinctively different buzzes. Sativa strains give a more sativa like up buzz and Indica strains give a more indica type body buzz. I have done a blind test with some of my friends and all of them reported the correct type of buzz associated with the terpene profile I gave them.

The Viscosity is just a pure terpene thinner. Sometimes I need to thin the base QWET more than the flavored terps thinned it. Adding too much flavored terps distorts the flavor and costs more. I also make a flavorless cart that is very stealthy. You can vape it in a crowd and no one notices!

I really want to try some cannabis derived terps but they are so expensive I just cannot get my cheap self to spend the money:haha:.
@Nosias @Mysterion
Nosias the strain flavored terpenes do more than just add flavor. First off they are not created equal different brands have different formulas and some just plain lie about what they are using. So far the two best brands of non-cannabis terpenes IMPO are Delta9 and Terpene Botanicals. When added to the same base QWET you get distinctively different buzzes. Sativa strains give a more sativa like up buzz and Indica strains give a more indica type body buzz. I have done a blind test with some of my friends and all of them reported the correct type of buzz associated with the terpene profile I gave them.

The Viscosity is just a pure terpene thinner. Sometimes I need to thin the base QWET more than the flavored terps thinned it. Adding too much flavored terps distorts the flavor and costs more. I also make a flavorless cart that is very stealthy. You can vape it in a crowd and no one notices!

I really want to try some cannabis derived terps but they are so expensive I just cannot get my cheap self to spend the money:haha:.

I didn’t realize they changed the buzz type! I thought it was just a flavour profile. Interesting stuff. Have you tried a Sativa terpene with an indica oil? Hybrid!

I hear ya on the cost of terpenes. I looked at those blue river ones and they are pretty $.

I need to get that little distiller you have. Are you happy with it still?
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