Indoor quick one auto, Royal Queen seeds

Thank you, shes starting to get thick these last 4days and the citrus smell is strong. Hoping she swells at least another 1/3-1/2 what she is now in next two weeks and continues to get dense and solid, shes doing good at it so far. Really want to set my personal best dry record weight indoors from her. Before I run these new mephisto strains so I can push myself with them to beat my record. Running similar or same strains over time back to back IMO I should always go up in quality and weight, assuming I learn from previous runs.
Nice work, good looking plant.
Thank you, shes starting to get thick these last 4days and the citrus smell is strong. Hoping she swells at least another 1/3-1/2 what she is now in next two weeks and continues to get dense and solid, shes doing good at it so far. Really want to set my personal best dry record weight indoors from her. Before I run these new mephisto strains so I can push myself with them to beat my record. Running similar or same strains over time back to back IMO I should always go up in quality and weight, assuming I learn from previous runs.

Sent from my comfy chair.
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Just wanted to post a few updates of the sweet this girl is doing. Also almost every cola has grown another 1" of bud to the top. And 7 colas I've Been measuring girth on have done the same. @Greenleafnutrients
Yes she is an absolute breeze to grow bub. I am going to run her again but two at a time in a mini scrog kinda in the winter/fall time to see what she can do. She has really impressed me by far. For what she's become I will Gladly take a few extra weeks for her time to give me her all.
Mine is the exact same way, still have a little in a jar. My buds never fattened but I have a few more beans that I want to run of it