Lighting Qbs for 5x5

That’s the lay out I used exactly like that. I was told to use the 320 54 a instead of the 480 that u spoke of. I was told it was more efficient. You’re never going to use all the watts that the 6 qb96 have to offer. I’ve never went over 450 watts in my 4x4! Thank u for the rep @Mañ'O'Green I really appreciate it. View attachment 1293743o
Thanks man when i saw that par map Or_gro did i honestly couldn't believe it at first giving the dimensions of the qb96 but i did underestimate those lights pretty much so i won' t do the same mistake again haha.
Then i will buy 3 320 as they are the same price as 2 480 in my country.

Reckon i won't use more than 700w in a 5x5 with 18/6 and that will be max if my girls can handle it but will let them tell me how much is too much giving the fact that the CO2 levels in my apartament are high sometimes so i will make use of it

Heard from some guys that even running a 96 at 90 watts still it produced very little to no larf so the light penetration on those is really good i honestly can't wait to start my grow with these!
And I can’t wait to try 18/6 this next run. I honestly feel like the 20/4 has just been giving my girls to much light. And to be honest that may be why I’ve only been able to run max 450 watts. Maybe this next run with 18/6 I can push a little more wattage. Amd as @Jpkindbud said the 96 will have all the far red you’ll want or need
Probably you will have a better end product too with 18/6 man good luck you really know your things!

Reckon i only need to make up my mind to how much UVA to use. Maybe i'm wrong but giving the fact that UVA is not dangerous like UVB is i need something like 10% of total power as UVA for best results so in my case that would be 70w of UVA maximum. From your experience is this good or too much?
Probably you will have a better end product too with 18/6 man good luck you really know your things!

Reckon i only need to make up my mind to how much UVA to use. Maybe i'm wrong but giving the fact that UVA is not dangerous like UVB is i need something like 10% of total power as UVA for best results so in my case that would be 70w of UVA maximum. From your experience is this good or too much?

Check out CutterAU - they have UVA kits that are dimmable. They recommend 100w for a 3x3 but the strips are only 560mm. RapidLED has UVA pucks but the spectrum is very narrow.
Check out CutterAU - they have UVA kits that are dimmable. They recommend 100w for a 3x3 but the strips are only 560mm. RapidLED has UVA pucks but the spectrum is very narrow.
Hmm so i have to add about ~250w of UVA to make it right. I saw some economic bulbs like the ones we use for a living room or a bedroom. They claimed it was 25w at the wall with 365-385 mm but i have no idea about those and how good they are. I think i will buy 4 strips from CutterAU and get them between the qb96s in 2 rows of 2 each.
Hmm so i have to add about ~250w of UVA to make it right. I saw some economic bulbs like the ones we use for a living room or a bedroom. They claimed it was 25w at the wall with 365-385 mm but i have no idea about those and how good they are. I think i will buy 4 strips from CutterAU and get them between the qb96s in 2 rows of 2 each.

Tag me when you get to building. Sounds like a good plan to me.
Tag me when you get to building. Sounds like a good plan to me.
Will definitely do that man thanks again for all the help!

Hopefully in 2 or 3 weeks i should have everything and get it started it should be interesting. I want to use 4x20L airpots with coco only, advanced nutrients sensi grow A, B, sensi bloom A, B, big bud, overdrive, cal mag and probably carboload and some silica too.

If i manage to dial everything in maybe i will break my previous record of 1286 grams dry off 2 think different and 2 auto ultimates with 2x 600 HPS. I had a lot of luck on that grow as i somehow managed to not have even a slight nute burn on the girls that was a long stash of goodies haha.
I've been a big believer in quantum boards the past 2-3 yrs but I have to say Mars Hydro's FC series is the lighting I'd look at now, if I needed lighting. The spread is perfect with these. The FC6500 lights up a 5 x 5 all over.

Mars Hydro has a new series about to release, it likely has more far red and also UV a + b. Mars Hydro is no longer a joke.
I've been a big believer in quantum boards the past 2-3 yrs but I have to say Mars Hydro's FC series is the lighting I'd look at now, if I needed lighting. The spread is perfect with these. The FC6500 lights up a 5 x 5 all over.

Mars Hydro has a new series about to release, it likely has more far red and also UV a + b. Mars Hydro is no longer a joke.
Yes i like the fc6500 as it would have been a good option but i like multiple lights because they are easier to work with and have par values as good as if not even better than 1 fixture aaand it's cheaper too
Yes i like the fc6500 as it would have been a good option but i like multiple lights because they are easier to work with and have par values as good as if not even better than 1 fixture aaand it's cheaper too

Those elites blow the FC out the water in every way
Those elites blow the FC out the water in every way

If u say so, the specs of the new Mars Hydro boards aren't even out yet. But justify your purchase, like u do. You are left behind . There's always a person that appears to try being the sites authority on a topic. I call them tools. Not "cool" at all.