Lighting Qbs for 5x5

If your c02 levels are usually elevated you could try 18/6 or 20/4. I don't really know, I do know that @automan runs his on 12/12 and does well.

The 96's have enough 660/730nm to not supplement unless you want to do End of Day treatments you may end up with excessive stretching.
I will stick with 18/6 as i seen a lot of growers claiming to have better quality end product.

My thoughts exactly about the far red in those qb's but now i know for sure thank you man you really helped me a lot!
IMO, stick with the 6xqb 96 option. This gives you more options and diversity when growing different strains... specifically height. A dwarf indica and stretchy auto could be grown side by side without either lacking in light. One large fixture and you have to raise/lower plants themselves to even the canopy...
IMO, stick with the 6xqb 96 option. This gives you more options and diversity when growing different strains... specifically height. A dwarf indica and stretchy auto could be grown side by side without either lacking in light. One large fixture and you have to raise/lower plants themselves to even the canopy...
Btw, welcome to AFN!
IMO, stick with the 6xqb 96 option. This gives you more options and diversity when growing different strains... specifically height. A dwarf indica and stretchy auto could be grown side by side without either lacking in light. One large fixture and you have to raise/lower plants themselves to even the canopy...
Thanks man i read a lot here about everything in 2 years i gathered a lot of good info from you guys! I was very paranoid with making an account as where i live it's illegal to grow or to have. I've been so confused about all those new and great lights but now after i saw some grows with those 96's and all your help and info about those i finally know what to do. Thanks again!
Thanks man i read a lot here about everything in 2 years i gathered a lot of good info from you guys! I was very paranoid with making an account as where i live it's illegal to grow or to have. I've been so confused about all those new and great lights but now after i saw some grows with those 96's and all your help and info about those i finally know what to do. Thanks again!
Where I am in US it’s illegal too... but police aren’t even training new dogs to sniff out weed. They’re more concerned with heroin and meth.
Where I am in US it’s illegal too... but police aren’t even training new dogs to sniff out weed. They’re more concerned with heroin and meth.
And in the east europe they are too busy with big dealers
Also i saw some guys swearing they had 2.7 oz per square feet with those lights. Is that even possible with these lol
And in the east europe they are too busy with big dealers
Also i saw some guys swearing they had 2.7 oz per square feet with those lights. Is that even possible with these lol
Can’t testify to that personally. I suppose that is possible with perfect conditions, I personally don’t calculate how much I can get... I just grow and harvest. Keep a lot, sell a little. Cost is not my concern. I have equipment that I bought but that cost has been recouped. I believe the better i learn how to grow the better my yield will be. An old(er) dog can learn new tricks! Lol
Can’t testify to that personally. I suppose that is possible with perfect conditions, I personally don’t calculate how much I can get... I just grow and harvest. Keep a lot, sell a little. Cost is not my concern. I have equipment that I bought but that cost has been recouped. I believe the better i learn how to grow the better my yield will be. An old(er) dog can learn new tricks! Lol
That's true for me too!
That’s the lay out I used exactly like that. I was told to use the 320 54 a instead of the 480 that u spoke of. I was told it was more efficient. You’re never going to use all the watts that the 6 qb96 have to offer. I’ve never went over 450 watts in my 4x4! Thank u for the rep @Mañ'O'Green I really appreciate it.
And I can’t wait to try 18/6 this next run. I honestly feel like the 20/4 has just been giving my girls to much light. And to be honest that may be why I’ve only been able to run max 450 watts. Maybe this next run with 18/6 I can push a little more wattage. Amd as @Jpkindbud said the 96 will have all the far red you’ll want or need