Lighting Qbs for 5x5

Here are some of my results. No it will be a long time before I change lighting. I love my hlg 96 but there are a lot of great lights out there. The chilled logic lights do look nice. But I absolutely love my lights I just wish I had @Mañ'O'Green skills and knowledge, he is one of the best at it. the bottom pics are my current grow they have a couple weeks left

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Don't sell yourself short, those are solid crops.

I like both but can only vouch for one :shrug:
Why six qb96's and not just a single light designed for that size space? Qb96's are good veg lights or for micro spaces, but HLG and others make bigger lights that will cover a 5*5 a lot better with way less wiring and fewer drivers.
The 96s are a great option especially with the lower price they are at. You won't get much more efficient unless you go with the 650R but this is cheaper.

This is a plot a grower made for several configurations of elites. The pic below is for a 4x4 could still be used for a 5x5


Also here is how to get the specific LUX values for these lights

If you use a lux meter to approximate ppfd:
put your lights-frame together, adjust wattage to 120w, measure lumens at 18” around your tent, divide lumens by 67 to get a ppfd approximation, should be close to my ppfd measurements in table for six 96s. If not similar, take lumens meassured and divide by my ppfd at that location to get your meter’s ppfd conversion factor..

That is the spectrum and it had enough 660nm that you don't need to supplement besides UV and Far Red

Don't forget you can get 10% discount from HLG @pop22 knows the code. All the above information isn't from me but another grower named Og_Grow who

If you want to run UV I suggest Solacure or AgroMax t5s but if you want LED then I'd super expensive and HLGs UVA bar won't cover a 5x5.
Why six qb96's and not just a single light designed for that size space? Qb96's are good veg lights or for micro spaces, but HLG and others make bigger lights that will cover a 5*5 a lot better with way less wiring and fewer drivers.
I like having diversity and playing with my lights. Those big lights can't get such a good par value in the corners of the tent like 4-6 smaller lights across the whole tent. And each is covered by the other in terms of light between them (sorry if i make spelling mistakes)
The 96s are a great option especially with the lower price they are at. You won't get much more efficient unless you go with the 650R but this is cheaper.

This is a plot a grower made for several configurations of elites. The pic below is for a 4x4 could still be used for a 5x5

View attachment 1293618

Also here is how to get the specific LUX values for these lights

If you use a lux meter to approximate ppfd:
put your lights-frame together, adjust wattage to 120w, measure lumens at 18” around your tent, divide lumens by 67 to get a ppfd approximation, should be close to my ppfd measurements in table for six 96s. If not similar, take lumens meassured and divide by my ppfd at that location to get your meter’s ppfd conversion factor..

View attachment 1293618That is the spectrum and it had enough 660nm that you don't need to supplement besides UV and Far Red View attachment 1293619

Don't forget you can get 10% discount from HLG @pop22 knows the code. All the above information isn't from me but another grower named Og_Grow who

If you want to run UV I suggest Solacure or AgroMax t5s but if you want LED then I'd super expensive and HLGs UVA bar won't cover a 5x5.
Thanks man! I really appreciate all the info!

Yeah those diablo boards do look really nice however would there be a change in yield and quality with those instead of the qb96' s? I tried a lot of lights but those hlg lights are new to me.

With 6 qb96's i was planning on using 2 480 drivers so that's 160w per board for a very even spread and good light penetration for those auto ultimate beasts.

I never tried UVA before and only a little info i found about it.. From your experience or from what you saw do you think it will change something in terms of potency and yield?
Thanks man! I really appreciate all the info!

Yeah those diablo boards do look really nice however would there be a change in yield and quality with those instead of the qb96' s? I tried a lot of lights but those hlg lights are new to me.

With 6 qb96's i was planning on using 2 480 drivers so that's 160w per board for a very even spread and good light penetration for those auto ultimate beasts.

I never tried UVA before and only a little info i found about it.. From your experience or from what you saw do you think it will change something in terms of potency and yield?

The diablo boards are a bit more efficient, not much, than the 96s but pretty similar in spectrum with both having 90+cri. For the price I think the 96s are the value for DIY. I can't say I'd there would be a yield increase, I doubt it would be worth the extra couple hundred unless you want the warranty and stuff.

Have a look at inventronics EUD drivers to save some money over Meanwell. I'd look at renting or buying a PAR meter to dial in your lights just right so you aren't wasting electricity.

I've seen other growers report positive things with UV enough that I want it. I imagine it's part of why people preferred outdoor grown.
The diablo boards are a bit more efficient, not much, than the 96s but pretty similar in spectrum with both having 90+cri. For the price I think the 96s are the value for DIY. I can't say I'd there would be a yield increase, I doubt it would be worth the extra couple hundred unless you want the warranty and stuff.

Have a look at inventronics EUD drivers to save some money over Meanwell. I'd look at renting or buying a PAR meter to dial in your lights just right so you aren't wasting electricity.

I've seen other growers report positive things with UV enough that I want it. I imagine it's part of why people preferred outdoor grown.
I already have a par meter just to make things perfect. It's a must in my opinion with multiple fixtures.

For driver in my country i can't find inventronics and the total costs are more that meanwell so probably i will stick with those.

Also what do you think about the max DLI for autoflowers? I live in the middle of the city and CO2 PPM raise as much as 1400 sometimes and between 700 to 1200 in the rest of the time. I will go for 20/4 schedule so that would leave me to 550 ppfd for a DLI of 40 but probably with my CO2 should i aim for a DLI of 60? From your par maps i can have at least 750 ppfd in the corners of my 5x5 tent at full power if i'm not wrong.

Also i think that i will add some far red too for emerson effect.
I already have a par meter just to make things perfect. It's a must in my opinion with multiple fixtures.

For driver in my country i can't find inventronics and the total costs are more that meanwell so probably i will stick with those.

Also what do you think about the max DLI for autoflowers? I live in the middle of the city and CO2 PPM raise as much as 1400 sometimes and between 700 to 1200 in the rest of the time. I will go for 20/4 schedule so that would leave me to 550 ppfd for a DLI of 40 but probably with my CO2 should i aim for a DLI of 60? From your par maps i can have at least 750 ppfd in the corners of my 5x5 tent at full power if i'm not wrong.

Also i think that i will add some far red too for emerson effect.

If your c02 levels are usually elevated you could try 18/6 or 20/4. I don't really know, I do know that @automan runs his on 12/12 and does well.

The 96's have enough 660/730nm to not supplement unless you want to do End of Day treatments you may end up with excessive stretching.