Grow Room Psilmex's Microgrow

So getting a little worried the big boy I think is unfortunately a boy it is growing what look to be small pods maybe I'm wrong tho gonna wait a little longer to see if it shoots hairs or turns to a nanner cross you fingers for me
Just a little update on the photo, I def did mess this little puppy up, I pulled one fairly big branch when I was trying to smack my lady around a bit. BTW its down to one now, this was the only pretty lady. I also have picked up a Gorilla glue Seed and a Northern x big bud and both are autos for the next grow I am pretty excited about that but since I am on a 12/12 schedule I guess I am going to wait until I harvest unless you all think its ok to start it early, but since autos have such short veg cycles I just don't see how that could be a good idea. Anyway without further delay here you go, Let me know what you think these leaves are such fatties def a Indica Dom

So please tell me how I am doing anything you all notice wrong with my short lady. Hope to hear from you all soon.
Just a few picture updates tried to spread my girl open a little bit and show me what her mama made her capable of, hopefully all goes well and this works out. Check it outtttt:

Tell me what you all think.
Shes looking good:smoking:
What scent is that ona block?

I like the apple crumble the best and pro is decent too.
Polar crystal and fresh linen are too chemical smelling to me to be anywhere close to a nice smell but those might be better for eliminating the grow odor, who knows.

I have all four scents for blocks and all but polar crystal gel so maybe i will try to test them all to see which one works the best for removing grow odor in my micro grow.
My guess is gel will work better than blocks because the gel is stronger smelling than the blocks.

I read on another forum that u shouldnt keep ona that close to the plants because it will effect taste and smell of your bud but i dont know if its true or not.
Psilmex looking good, she looks happy, and will fill out quicker than you think.

As for those new Autos, wait till your done this grow, as the first month with autos i've found is where you need to be on point, so no sense giving them less light right from the start.
Hey @Smorf that ona gel is the flavor of Porta John but works really well I think that's the pro flavor, but yea it def keeps the smell at bay my whole house smelled for a bit till I got that sucker, but I would be interested to read more about ona effecting plants smell and so on, do you remember where you read this?

And @Mr. Sparkle thanks for stopping by again it's a pleasure as always but thank you for confirming the auto question for me I figured that was probably the answer in ready for this big girl to fill out btw great buds on your thread man it's like every time you release pictures my jaw drops def an inspiration man

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Looks like you finally got things dialed in - lady looks nice! Soon-to-be first time micro grower here (35gal. Rubbermaid tote w/CFL). I finally got my cab mostly built and I'm worried that heat might be an issue as well, so seeing your trial and error (and apparent conquest!) to handle the heat has been super useful. :thanks:

Subbed for the duration of the grow. Hope she fills out nice & big for ya. :goodluck:
Yea heat isn't enormous if it's a micro grow anyway but I'm glad we could learn together thanks for the wishes and best of luck to you as well may shiva bless us all

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New update just some fresh pics might need to figure out a new idea for the smell any ideas

Hope you can see these and they aren't links

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