Grow Room Psilmex's Microgrow

You were only using a ona block for smell right?
If that ona block isnt working you could try some ona gel. The gel is stronger than the block.
The block probably dried out super fast being in your box under the lights.

I would try keeping the gel out of light and either behind your box or near the entrance to the room that your box is in.

Whats in the water bottle?
I have a DIY carbon filter that I def need to tighten some connections on. The smell isn't like crazy but I am thinking around day 90 of flower people might be wondering who has the herb if ya catch my drift. I def appreciate the suggestion tho ill go check the grow shop tomorrow n see what they got in stock. The bottle is just some water and nutes, bio bud, bio bloom, bio marine and cal/mag general hydro. Def nice nutes, no noticed extremes at all that I can tell.
So just another quick update the smell really pronounced itself today it's a mix of grapefruit and citrus I lucked out with this bag seed for sure

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found this today figured I'd share my extreme good fortune with everyone else

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Hey @Smorf that ona gel is the flavor of Porta John but works really well I think that's the pro flavor, but yea it def keeps the smell at bay my whole house smelled for a bit till I got that sucker, but I would be interested to read more about ona effecting plants smell and so on, do you remember where you read this?

And @Mr. Sparkle thanks for stopping by again it's a pleasure as always but thank you for confirming the auto question for me I figured that was probably the answer in ready for this big girl to fill out btw great buds on your thread man it's like every time you release pictures my jaw drops def an inspiration man

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Mate I believe it says right on the packaging that you should not have the ona in your growroom.

They specifically state that it will affect the smell and taste of your bud.

I've been using sumo recently as its cheaper. Since my flat already smells of weed (though my rig has a filter, no ona could help with the house consuming stench of a couple of plants in full flower) I simply put the jars in the space between my front door and inner door.

Saves me from having to breathe that crap in.
Mate I believe it says right on the packaging that you should not have the ona in your growroom.

They specifically state that it will affect the smell and taste of your bud.

I've been using sumo recently as its cheaper. Since my flat already smells of weed (though my rig has a filter, no ona could help with the house consuming stench of a couple of plants in full flower) I simply put the jars in the space between my front door and inner door.

Saves me from having to breathe that crap in.
Hmm that's weird but thanks for the info I can't see a real difference in smell probably because it is so small idk tho I've since moved it out of the grow spot

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Hmm that's weird but thanks for the info I can't see a real difference in smell probably because it is so small idk tho I've since moved it out of the grow spot

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Got my first electric update this box costs a whooping $7.00 ha the amazing world of leds I've decided after this light runs out I'll remake it into a nice cob bit in the meantime I'm thinking for the next round maybe I could incorporate a couple or four small diy cobs to boost the penetration and parwatt ratio with that in mind are there any suggestions for smaller cob lights that may not work well alone but do a great job boosting I still gotta keep the box cool any help is appreciated

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