Grow Room Psilmex's Microgrow

How do you like that light? May be too early to say since this you're still working on the box, but I was looking at that light and wonder if it's worth getting over a 5w vipar led panel.

high wishes
the light can get a bit warm sometimes, idk if you have a nack for diy but some cree lighting will be my choice next time, thanks for stopping in. @dankle

So unfortunately my seed didn't want to sprout so now i have some bag seed waiting to germ just because im broke or I would order online. as far as the box goes I have added another hole in the back on the bottom and actually repurposed my big circulation fan as another intake, so two intake fans, two outtake fans, its still nearly quite and the temps are staying in the low 80s after an hour so that should work. hopefully all goes well and I can update with new pictures in the very near future.
dang I am jealous wish I woulda been patient and done something like that but well see what this light can do I got some little green heads poking up so if they are female hopefully something good happens.
So update time, I am sorry I have been gone so long been a little busy with another project, ill give you a little hint.

but anyway on to the women right.... Ill get individualized pictures later today, there day technically hasn't started yet their light cycle begins in just a bit.
So far I have been feeding these guys cal mag, bio root, bio marine and Diamond black a liquid humic acid feed and they are looking good and growing fast, which i hope doesn't mean these pesky things turn into males, but lets all keep our fingers crossed for some new ladies on the street. Temps are staying nice around the low 80s but that is with the front crack slightly during the day so may need to address that shortly. So hear are the hopeful ladies!!

Let me know what you all think, constructive criticism is always welcome here. Hope to hear from you all.
Good start, and best wishes to the rye substrate for some mushrooms, i haven't touched any of that in years, but have a spore print or two tucked away from years ago.
I like your fancy pot.:smoking:
Plants looking good too.
So these pictures really suck but I have a few just to post, one abnormal leaf and one that might be suffering from heat exhaustion or something it looks like it is starting to curl up but its only on one place for the entire plant, idk the new growth looks good so I am not too worried. Let me know what you think.

Also this first one, I might be jumping the gun and I know its hard to tell by this picture but I think that my friends in the middle of my two fingers is my beauty showing me HER true colors. Again might be getting ahead of myself but it appears as tho she as hinting at something. Ill try to get better pictures this weekend.

I like your fancy pot.:smoking:
Plants looking good too.
Thank you good sir, im hoping it attracts good vibes to the mother ship cab ha, and thank you I hope they do good and all become women lol. Thanks for stopping by.

Also @Mr. Sparkle the mushies were my first hobby a very long time ago, glad to know you knew what I was speaking of. I got an isolate and that blank jar is almost fully colonized. fun times are ahead. Thanks so much for your help along the way its really made the process smoother.