Grow Room Psilmex's Microgrow

Does anyone know how to muffle a fan, I soddered my fan up and it isn't the quietest fan out there by any means
So heres the next installment of pictures for the carbon filter, let me know what you all think, hopefully this thing will work well, tonight I will try to attach it to my computer fans.

Not trying to bring the rain to the parade...

But your initial idea of just blowing through a filled 4" pipe would be alot better, im assuming your probably running a 120mm fan for your exhaust as their most common, but they match up to a 4" ID pipe quite nice.
You're gonna find that this last one is gonna restrict the airflow Alot, apart from the carbon slowing air down anyways it pretty much needs to be mesh on the inside and outside to allow air to flow the easiest it can as really it's just there to hold the carbon in and also the inside should be the same diameter as your exhaust for it to be more effective.

Only other thing i guess is pantyhose works and is cheap, so continue using it if you desire, but if you can run a bigger mesh that just holds in your pellets that would be even better still.

Also once you have a filter hooked up your fan will sound quieter as it will be muffled.

You get it all reasonably dialed in time.
No problem on raining on the parade I'm in here to learn and grow so what do you think if I removed the center piece and drilled holes all around the plumbing pipe, is this along the lines of what you were thinking or would that work? I know it's a lot of extra work when I could just buy mesh and if it's not worth it then that's what I'll do just wanna not waste any material but I'm sure I'll find a use eventually if not. Anyway thank you for answering and I'll wait for your response and start working @Mr. Sparkle
Cheers psilmex
nah just fill up that 4 inch pipe and mount it to the fan, dont worry about drilling holes.
Yes a mesh outside would be better, but i wouldn't worry about it, the trick is you want the air to go as slow as possible through the carbon but still fast enough to cool your box and provided enough air changes for the plants.
You're the bomb man @Mr. Sparkle thank you for all your help I'm in the process of moving but will get this puppy moving soon again thank you
So like always i hit another road bump lol. i have everything hooked up but unfortunately my 12V extraction fan is way too loud to keep hooked up. So my train of thought is downgrading the cord to a 9V, unless anyone knows how to tone this fans noise down a bit, please recommendations would be amazing otherwise ill be waiting even longer to get this cab rolling. but anyway here are some pictures of what I was able to accomplish today, this puppy is almost done, its so damn exciting.



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looks like you're pretty much ready to go, and yes you can run it at 9v it will just be slower, which isn't a bad thing so long as your heat stays in check, only other way is to get a different fan.

Looks like you could get another pot in there is that the plan ?
I wish that was the plan but promised the old lady only one, she's the only person that knows but as they say happy wife happy life lol figure this will help me get the best output outta one so when I do expand I can get the most outta every girl and this way I can try to get her to expand to every inch of that cab also when things become legal I can keep it within the plant count but still gross like I'm growing 50 plants, extreme exaggeration but you get the point lol, my plan is to let the politicians do their thing so that when the time comes I can have my own genetics and become a grower for dispenseries around my area but that will be a little while for me unfortunately