I wouldn't worry about looking into new leds and the likes just yet, id work out what you have and see, but if your not running an intake fan now and going only passive thats one issue, cause if your running passive your intake should be at least twice the size of your exhaust, aka 120mm exhaust means at least two 120mm holes for intake, that causes the air to slow down, so less air changes means less heat extracted, so either cut another hole or throw an intake fan back on, personally i prefer passive intakes, as its one less thing to go wrong.
Ive also used those gelid solution fans in the past, looks like you have the TC as in thermo couple ones, they have that extra black lead that comes off the fan that when heated causes the fans to go to full, what i use to do is jam that right into a heat sink of a light or directly on the bulb of a cfl, as then they would be full blast when lights were on and would throttle down when lights were off.
Another thing to consider, is how are you measuring your temps, reason why i ask, is for myself that in certain situations when the temperature sensor is directly in the light vs say being shielded with a small shield or in a corner where there is still good airflow, i have had a pretty significant difference in the stated temperature. Also plants will cause the temperature of a box to lower abit, due to them perspiring.
And circulations fans do help, but you don't need much for them, i typically use 92mm and under but really its whatever you have on hand and works for you.
Just get the box to have enough air volume changes to keep it cool and you will be good. Also 85 degrees you can grow really nice bud, one of my current boxes runs around there and ive run hotter in the past in other boxes. We don't necessarily have the luxury to run really cool in our micro environments, or at least have to work at it or have cold outside air to do it.
Also with what cantbuymelove said, heat can cause fluffy buds and will if high enough but the denseness or fluffiness of a bud also come down to genetics, as say like my current cherry bomb thats almost done in my other box is super dense, but if i had a clone of the one c99 plant i have as a mother it would be super fluffy right beside it, same conditions just different genetics, in the end bud is bud, and if it good its good. Doesn't really matter to me if its dense or not, as some dense buds are weak, and other supper fluffy buds will have you off in space for hours.
Alright ive typed too much...