Grow Room Psilmex's Microgrow

I'm glad your along for the ride the next one will be better if struggled on this one

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Little update here are some pics enjoy

And no worries I just watered her

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Here's a new update So I'm trying to decide when to start flushing I know I still have a bit of time left but these babies are fattening up. I know when to harvest but since I don't know the actual type or flower time then I can't technically figure out when to start the flush any suggestions would be greatly appreciated lol anyway here are the pics


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It will possibly be done in id say three to four weeks, now is when it would start bulking up, but it looks like you ran into some issues in this last stretch, i'm not sure you mentioned or i missed it but would you care to elaborate? Missed watering, plant ran too dry, or a deficiency which caused a self cannibalism of old leaves... ?

Also how far away is the light at the moment ?

As for flushing if you "want to" give it another week and half plus before you think about it.

As for the COB's the cheap ebay ones are pretty useless in comparison to a well made out one with quality parts, so much so you'd be better off running commercial screw in led bulbs with the covers popped off, only down side is they take up a bit more height than a Homemade LED COB light, but are perfectly easy to find and setup and are cheap alternatives for the amount of light you get.

Say if i made a new cab that was 1sqft i could run 4 - 14w Led bulbs which would be plenty of light, id be looking at $7 a bulb plus fixture of say $2 a piece, so round it out to say $40 total unless the bulbs are on sale, where as a good cob design your looking at say $10 a piece for 4 LED's, 2 drivers at another $10-15 a piece, and heatsinks for $5-10 a piece, so $80-110 not including shipping, sure you get more light, but its harder to upgrade or fix issues aka burnt out leds which can happen. Really all depends on what you want to do ;), i should note that more sources of light has worked way better for me that just one singular bright source.

I'm thinking about going screw ins for my next build, i went with cob's this last time because of my height clearance, and to just try something new, but now that I've been there done that, i realize sometimes the easier things have a bit more weight to them, than ultimate efficiency, as for reference i use to grow with cfl's and floro tubes in the past, and would jump to screw in led's if height wasn't my issue.

Also Quick Recommendation: Remove the dead leaf clutter, it can create mold and attract bad bugs and pathogens, you will run into less issues if you keep it clean.
It will possibly be done in id say three to four weeks, now is when it would start bulking up, but it looks like you ran into some issues in this last stretch, i'm not sure you mentioned or i missed it but would you care to elaborate? Missed watering, plant ran too dry, or a deficiency which caused a self cannibalism of old leaves... ?

Also how far away is the light at the moment ?

As for flushing if you "want to" give it another week and half plus before you think about it.

As for the COB's the cheap ebay ones are pretty useless in comparison to a well made out one with quality parts, so much so you'd be better off running commercial screw in led bulbs with the covers popped off, only down side is they take up a bit more height than a Homemade LED COB light, but are perfectly easy to find and setup and are cheap alternatives for the amount of light you get.

Say if i made a new cab that was 1sqft i could run 4 - 14w Led bulbs which would be plenty of light, id be looking at $7 a bulb plus fixture of say $2 a piece, so round it out to say $40 total unless the bulbs are on sale, where as a good cob design your looking at say $10 a piece for 4 LED's, 2 drivers at another $10-15 a piece, and heatsinks for $5-10 a piece, so $80-110 not including shipping, sure you get more light, but its harder to upgrade or fix issues aka burnt out leds which can happen. Really all depends on what you want to do ;), i should note that more sources of light has worked way better for me that just one singular bright source.

I'm thinking about going screw ins for my next build, i went with cob's this last time because of my height clearance, and to just try something new, but now that I've been there done that, i realize sometimes the easier things have a bit more weight to them, than ultimate efficiency, as for reference i use to grow with cfl's and floro tubes in the past, and would jump to screw in led's if height wasn't my issue.

Also Quick Recommendation: Remove the dead leaf clutter, it can create mold and attract bad bugs and pathogens, you will run into less issues if you keep it clean.

I feel you bro. Might I make a suggestion? There are lots of cheap, easily replaceable, flat led fixtures like t4 led strips, led projector lamps, fridge lamps (these are usually e14 but 1/3 the height of a normal bulb) and car lights that will work great.

I've used screw in 13w bulbs for years in my big tent - they're a lot hotter than a fixture, but that's an engineering problem, the light they produce works without question. Took me years to get and actual fixture, but i havent stopped using thebscrew in bulbs.
yea i like your thought def something for a bigger setup but im already struggling with heat issues unfortunately i will invest in a 100 cfm bathroom fan after this grow but i like the thoughts i appreciate the good will of your thoughts @nhdtjq

now @Mr. Sparkle as far as the cannablism i am not sure I have always grown my plants to the point of exhaustion then water and although this might not produce huge crops from what I see it puts the plant almost in panic mode and forces more crystals out in order to get some sperm caught on her pistols. Id love for someone else to give this a shot and see if I am just a crazy buffoon lol. As far as the light, I havent moved it the whole grow but if i had to guess its almost a foot from the top cola. as far as the cob ideas im thinking of possibly adding two screw ins now that you have introduced me to this idea at least until this puppy (current led) runs dry and I can re purpose it and also thank you for the recommendation I will def remove the clutter. Again thank you all for you good vibes along this journey I find it very humbling to be surrounded by such a supportive community.

PS feeling enlightened after this last beautiful festival for Halloween along with some family lucy tagging along
now @Mr. Sparkle as far as the cannablism i am not sure I have always grown my plants to the point of exhaustion then water and although this might not produce huge crops from what I see it puts the plant almost in panic mode and forces more crystals out in order to get some sperm caught on her pistols. Id love for someone else to give this a shot and see if I am just a crazy buffoon lol.

Doing that from my own experience can cause the plants to mature quicker, but they definitely lack on the yield and trichrome side, here's my take on it.

When running a plant to starvation "water" wise, the plant is initially going through it normal growth cycle and is putting out new growth whether leaves, calyxes, stems, roots or whatever, but as you start to approach that dry state the plant goes into stress mode where instead of just cruising along comfortably, it starts to slow down and goes into survival mode of roots trying to search for more water, which isn't a bad thing, but also the leaves start drooping and curling downwards and inwards to stop them from transpiring, which slows the photosynthesis process because there is less surface area being shown to the light and less water movement in the plant which transports nutrients from the root zone to the leaves and flowers and sugars and the likes down to the roots.

Now the plants can stay like that for a bit depending on the grow conditions but they more or less stops in that state for a couple days to a week, which can vary mainly due to heat and humidity, but after that state they realizes they aren't getting any water and or nutrients from the soil/mix and then they start to cannibalize the older leaves to try to keep that new growth at the top with the ability to catch any pollen so they can and survive long enough till they can reproduce, which they would be doing normally anyways with trying to throw out as many flowers as possible, it's just they go that route instead of just focusing on hunting for water and or slowing down so they can survive long enough till that next "Rain/Watering" event.

So saying all that it's perfectly fine to allow the plant to taper to that point right at the end, but i mean harvest, people also like to cut nutrients and flush right near the end for there own reasons, such as supposed taste, easier trimming, and color but let's not get into that just yet, also wet and dry cycles in regular growing is perfectly fine as it causes bursts in root growth for the whole water seaking factors, but to the end of either side of that spectrum it causes problems.

Not to make a bad analogy but it's like someone wanting to get "ripped" and works out and everything but doesn't want to really eat because they think it will make them fat, so they just end up shedding the fat they have which achieves that ripped looked, but with very little muscle, on the other hand if say another person exercises and eats well and ends up putting on some bulk because of it, both fat and muscle, but then starts to tapers off near the end, whatever that end "Date, Time, Event" may be, they will also look "ripped" but also have quite a bit more muscle than the first person, it will take a bit more to gether there but Ripped mass vs Ripped mass, which one will have more of the same thing in the end.

I'm now going to apologize for what i just wrote lol, but give it a thought.

Were all on this journey together, so we might as well help each other achieve what we might not be able to do in the same time by ourselves, i know i'm here to learn ;) from anyone i can.
Dude great analogy I totally understand what you are meaning thank you seriously I get it now it's good to know there was a little positivity in my thought process lol so glad to be surrounded by happy people love and peace my friends

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New picture update most of the crystals are turning cloudy and I'd say about 60 percent of the hairs are starting to turn red so next time I water I'll begin flushing whoop so freaking excited

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