Indoor Project Green Thumb

How is the problem you had with the blotches on leaves develops? I was thinking that Calcium or Boron deficiencies can also cause such symptoms. If it was Mag def then you should have yellowing between the veins at the same time with the spots..
My friend... I am very interested in many of the strains you are growing, so I am going to stop by as often as I can. The delicious autos and Paradise Tut are very interesting to me.
Excellent thread dude! Will deffo be stopping by here often cheers! :pass:
Sorry I'm a little lostt. How many of the supersonic Cristal storms and what was the final harvest. I'm about to do 16-20 of them in a 4x5x7 with a 1000 watt hps, all in rootsorganic Greenfield's soil, with roots organic nutrients, 550cfm carbon filter and fan. I'm trying to figure out what I should expect yeild wise.