Indoor Prism Lighting Science CMH Test grow - 2018

Hey does anyone have a trick for keeping humidity down? I'm running a dehumidifier and air conditioner but it seems I can't keep a handle on it. Never had this problem quite this bad before. Getting a little worried as the girls are almost 4 weeks in flower. If I don't get this under control week 6-7 will = bud rot for sure.
This winter I couldn't get rh up now I can't get it down. And doing same thing. Window AC unit set to dehumidifier and fans all over. I got hanging buds that been hanging over a week with a fan on. So far no mold. But man am I worried
This weather has been rough 90s with stupid high humidity for weeks now
This winter I couldn't get rh up now I can't get it down. And doing same thing. Window AC unit set to dehumidifier and fans all over. I got hanging buds that been hanging over a week with a fan on. So far no mold. But man am I worried
This weather has been rough 90s with stupid high humidity for weeks now
I hope you win the battle. I've lost two of my plants to powdery mildew none of the other girls have shown up with it yet. Chewing my finger nails daily lol
I just watered my last two plants in my grow tent that are under the prism lighting science 315w cmh light both in super soil one photo plant and my last auto of this grow that got tossed in to 12/12 for like a week

this will be there last watering I plan to chop them done after memorial day that will give the soil a bit of time to dry out and give me time to decide what seeds I want to grow next and to get my stuff ready for my next grow

the auto plant is still tossing out a few white hairs and fox tailing and I can already tell is going to be all kinds of fluffy and not my top choice

but its ok its going to get chopped anyway it will be my "sure smoke as much as you like bud" lol my whole family smokes to dam much and now they all expect me to supply them like I am growing a warehouse full of buds but I keep the good stash for myself and my mom only we get to smoke the cream of the crop

I already have a batch of super soil that is ready I am just not sure if a have any potting soil for the top have of the pots

the last auto
1x gorillagasm auto from top shelf elite in day [HASHTAG]#102[/HASHTAG] from sprout today

the photo plant
1x lemon tooth photo period feminized from B-S-B genetics in day [HASHTAG]#58[/HASHTAG] of flower

man I got to say I am extremely happy with these 315w cmh lights I plan to make them my full time lights I have saved a good amount on my electric bill and still managed to grow so very dank bud

I want to do the same as I did in this grow 4 autos in the tent and one photo plant in the closet for my next grow

p.s. hope everyone has a safe memorial day and god bless America :shooty:and those who fought for it

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i am glad you have come over to the CMH side
Hey does anyone have a trick for keeping humidity down? I'm running a dehumidifier and air conditioner but it seems I can't keep a handle on it. Never had this problem quite this bad before. Getting a little worried as the girls are almost 4 weeks in flower. If I don't get this under control week 6-7 will = bud rot for sure.
The dehumidifier should bring that down, or the aircon or between the both, how high it's been getting up too, by high i'm thinking like over 60%?
The dehumidifier should bring that down, or the aircon or between the both, how high it's been getting up too, by high i'm thinking like over 60%?
Its been anywhere from 58% to above 70%. I thought between the two I would be fine. Apparently I was wrong lol With out the dehumidifier it goes up to 80's. It runs none stop and fills every 3 hrs or so where I have to dump it.
Its been anywhere from 58% to above 70%. I thought between the two I would be fine. Apparently I was wrong lol With out the dehumidifier it goes up to 80's. It runs none stop and fills every 3 hrs or so where I have to dump it.
yeah, well we all kinda going through that part of having to dump it quite often.... how many pint is yours? I have 30pint, mine is 450w and kinda causes lots of extra heat and mine also been running a lot more often then usual, coz of the outside weather...
yeah, well we all kinda going through that part of having to dump it quite often.... how many pint is yours? I have 30pint, mine is 450w and kinda causes lots of extra heat and mine also been running a lot more often then usual, coz of the outside weather...
I think mine is around a 40 pint. It doesnt seem to mess with temps as much as I thought it would.
I think mine is around a 40 pint. It doesnt seem to mess with temps as much as I thought it would.
okay it's probably a 30pint, they usually come in 30 & 60pint's... I suppose it could be a 40, but I never really seen one... most common are the two I listed... if it's not ginormous then it's a high ya have extraction fan up? do ya have fan helping pull air into tent?
Here is a few shots of what's left under LEC & Led's.. I'm pretty confident I'll hit my 1lb+ target I set for myself, with the royal Jack and as an added Bonus I feel My Fastbuds C.A may also yield 1lb or around that amount... I'm thinking total yield of 2lbs 5-8oz between the 3 plants.. Quite an awesome run !!


these two in process of being harvested.