Indoor Prism Lighting Science CMH Test grow - 2018

dude that's messed up hope you find the problem
Thanx man me too. I have some suspicions.I had some strange things go on throughout the grow but didn't think much of it till now lol I've grown this strain allot so when something is off I pick up on it quick. Never expected hermies though.
Hey now!!
Whew, finally here, took a while but we are ready to go. I cleaned out the space, it’s amazing how much crap can build up. I did not use this tent for a month or so and there was a ton of crap piled up in front of it. I’m like, damn am I that bad...
Anywho, the light is up and burning in for a few hours while I finish cleaning up. Need to be sure I can somewhat control temps and things too so I’ll keep an eye on that. Think I will move on of the Pulse Nanos into this space. I think to get started right away I’ll put one of my Mephisto girls in here.
I’ll take some pictures when I get it all cleaned up and ready to show.