Indoor Prism Lighting Science CMH Test grow - 2018

These ladies are looking exquisite my man, very deep purple color :bow:. How are you liking that Nano Pulse, seems like a nice little grow room gadget.

thanks ryker I love a good purple strain

the pulse nano is just great i notice a lot like if i turn a fan off i can see the changes in real time
Alrighty! Lets get this show on the road! I decided to rearrange my tents. The CMH tent is now the 12/12 tent and my cob tent is 18/6. So I moved my photo period plants into the 2x4 CMH tent. Today is the start of week 2 of flower for these two. The big baby tree is the Skunkmasterflex GMO (Chem d x GSC) clone, and the smaller bush is the Dubble Bubble (Sour Dubb x Bubblegum Chem) from Topdawg. She was grown from seed. I had a cob fall on her last week and it split the main stem. Lol, lost half the plant, so she's pretty lopsided and odd shaped.

I'm excited to see how the CMH performs in flower. So here is my first official update!

Day One of Week 2f:

Have pics of the plants I'm growing under the CHM. Since installing the light I have noticed growth has been awesome. Looking forward to what flower is going to be like. I just flipped the lights today so this will begin the first week of flower. The lights run hottier then my leds so I have had to componsate with increasing air extraction. I have also been keeping my lights about 32 inches way from the plants.

Have pics of the plants I'm growing under the CHM. Since installing the light I have noticed growth has been awesome. Looking forward to what flower is going to be like. I just flipped the lights today so this will begin the first week of flower. The lights run hottier then my leds so I have had to componsate with increasing air extraction. I have also been keeping my lights about 32 inches way from the plants.

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Clix; Love that plant coaster I have one very similar you will see in future
time for another update on my plants and seedling under the 315w Prism Lighting Science cmh

I just planted my last auto seed this one took longer then all the others I am hoping this last one sprouts but I have high hopes

two of the auto seeds I planted have already fully broken ground and are showing there true leaves and one of the photo seeds is half way up I had to move the dirt around a bit to get it open from its shell but should be fine but for now I will leave the little clear cup over it just to be on the safe side

I still have one seed left to plant and it is taking its sweet time to sprout the last one is a photo seed and I have only a few photo seeds so I am hoping it sprouts I just need to be patient

Was noticeable growth on the solo cup auto from a night under new light. She was trying to grow so hard she pulled one of her straps free lol.
May have to get a big humidifier. The little one is not doing the job. A struggle to get it up to 30% while keeping room under 85.

Not to say that is all on the light. Its been a very cold dry winter so the rh in the house is awful right now. And heat runs all day. So i cant use my ac unit in back room til it warms up outside. Late spring.
But a few adjustments and i got it pretty stable.
Have to manually mist the babies often. But gives me something to do here and there