Indoor Powerful's closet grow

what ya growing in @Powerful14 ?
The only feed I've done is root stim, seaweed and cal-mag on the last water all at half strengh. My Soil is good for up to 6 weeks, I will give mine there first real feed end of wk3 into 4wk...I'm about to do some topping today, I topped my white cheese last night.
All looking good dude :thumbsup:

its peat moss with vermiculite and perlite
Update day 9..

I was able to mix up some nutrients and feed i am at 1/4 strength ont the Duel Fuel nutrients, 1 tsp per gallon for the CalMg+, .5 ml per gallon on the Mammoth P..
Running nutrient solution at 6.2 pH had to bring it down a touch after i mixed everything in...

I fed them 1L each this morning and again late afternoon they should be good for a couple days i would think.. interested to see how they react in the next few days..

Blackberry Kush

The closet was a little cool during this pic as i had the door open for a while.. i am finding it much harder to keep cool with the extra light so i have sealed off the spare room and am letting a little fresh air in from outside, tends to get cool in there.. usually its around 81.8 degrees give or take half a degree..


Orange Crack

This one is looking a little fatter than the sourstomper she has definetely caught up for being last out of the soil..

Thanks for stopping by


Update day 9..

I was able to mix up some nutrients and feed i am at 1/4 strength ont the Duel Fuel nutrients, 1 tsp per gallon for the CalMg+, .5 ml per gallon on the Mammoth P..
Running nutrient solution at 6.2 pH had to bring it down a touch after i mixed everything in...

I fed them 1L each this morning and again late afternoon they should be good for a couple days i would think.. interested to see how they react in the next few days..

Blackberry Kush
View attachment 695996

The closet was a little cool during this pic as i had the door open for a while.. i am finding it much harder to keep cool with the extra light so i have sealed off the spare room and am letting a little fresh air in from outside, tends to get cool in there.. usually its around 81.8 degrees give or take half a degree..

View attachment 695997

Orange Crack
View attachment 695998

This one is looking a little fatter than the sourstomper she has definetely caught up for being last out of the soil..

Thanks for stopping by



Nice! They look good!

Did you end up needing to adjust your well water pH at all for growing in the vermiculite and perlite?
Nice! They look good!

Did you end up needing to adjust your well water pH at all for growing in the vermiculite and perlite?

yes the well water is quite high.. about 7.6 pH si i dropped it to 5.8 pH then mixed the nutes... checked again, and had to bring it down from 7.0 again.. my soil tester is telling me the medium is at 6.4 pH i have yet to test the runoff.. but i think its where it needs to be.. but i find when its getting close to dry the pH is going up
yes the well water is quite high.. about 7.6 pH si i dropped it to 5.8 pH then mixed the nutes... checked again, and had to bring it down from 7.0 again.. my soil tester is telling me the medium is at 6.4 pH i have yet to test the runoff.. but i think its where it needs to be.. but i find when its getting close to dry the pH is going up
I've never grown in a soiless medium other than the Stardawg I have in coco, so I'm not sure what what the pH needs to be for availability, but I've found my pH stays more stable if it's adjusted after the nutrients are added. You could also try adding some molasses maybe since it works as a chelating agent?

I must have been half asleep when I read your update last night! I didn't realize you already said you'd adjusted the pH!! :smoking:
i was reading up about molasses maybe it is a good idea.. other than the peat i only mixed in a little potting soil, and the worm castings so not much there.. i will try adjusting pH after mixing nutes next time and see how it goes.. i dont like doing it twice.

thanks Eye
Update Day 11

Blackberry Kush




Orange Crack


Group shot

They seem to be okay with the first feeding a little bit of leaf curl on the Mephisto girls but id say they needed some nutrients..

Thanks for popping by
