Lighting Portela, Negra 44 (R-Kiem), CBD Mango Haze (CBD Crew) and Kraken (Buddha seeds) under Telos 006

Feb 13, 2015
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Hello AFN!
It's time to start new grow diary for me. This time all action will be in my new grow box witch space of 76 * 56 * 76 for plants and use new GN Telos 006 for that. No other lights will be used, this will be pure test of Telos.

This time im growing couple of plants from seed and couple of clones i got from my friends. They all will grow in coco.
These are R-Kiem's Portela and Negra 44, both couple of weeks old. Today fimmed both to give some more time to weaker cloned plants.

This one is clone of Buddha seed's Kraken from outdoor, flowering one. So it had troubles to root for some time, but eventually seems that it will live after all so i planted it to normal pot, will see if it will live, some more time will tell all.

This one is CBDCrew's CBD Mango haze, it's a old and already rooted clone from window sill, so i transplanted and strongly topped her today to do all big stress at once. If it survives, will grow nice plant out of it, it has some time to recover.

Became - awful sight, isn't it? :D

Both clones will reveg if survive, these will be dank bushes :)

And here is another passenger - it's R-Kiem's Icer, which is hardly surviving, but still alive. Will keep it for some time to see if it recovers :D

All these R-Kiem seeds were very old (had them from 2014 or 2015), so im surprised that they sprouted at all. So this Icer is a small loss really :)

Today watered all of them with RO + CalMag (~200ppm), Cellmax's Root booster and gave every pot couple of tea spoons of shrooms from Extreme gardening. This will make root explode, if these two clones survives :D

And last photo - whole my rig, with Telos 006. Will keep it very simple, even can work with doors open at day, not afraiding to paint all wals in blurple :D
Today is start of my new grow - box, all plants also only today got under Telos. So only progress from today is important.


So, now all plants are a bit stressed now and we will see how fast they recovers. This one will be interesting :)
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Hello AFN!
It's time to start new grow diary for me. This time all action will be in my new grow box witch space of 76 * 56 * 76 for plants and use new GN Telos 006 for that. No other lights will be used, this will be pure test of Telos.

This time im growing couple of plants from seed and couple of clones i got from my friends. They all will grow in coco.
These are R-Kiem's Portela and Negra 44, both couple of weeks old. Today fimmed both to give some more time to weaker cloned plants.
View attachment 809330 View attachment 809331 View attachment 809332 View attachment 809333
This one is clone of Buddha seed's Kraken from outdoor, flowering one. So it had troubles to root for some time, but eventually seems that it will live after all so i planted it to normal pot, will see if it will live, some more time will tell all.
View attachment 809335
This one is CBDCrew's CBD Mango haze, it's a old and already rooted clone from window sill, so i transplanted and strongly topped her today to do all big stress at once. If it survives, will grow nice plant out of it, it has some time to recover.
View attachment 809336
Became - awful sight, isn't it? :D
View attachment 809337
Both clones will reveg if survive, these will be dank bushes :)

And here is another passenger - it's R-Kiem's Icer, which is hardly surviving, but still alive. Will keep it for some time to see if it recovers :D
View attachment 809339
All these R-Kiem seeds were very old (had them from 2014 or 2015), so im surprised that they sprouted at all. So this Icer is a small loss really :)

Today watered all of them with RO + CalMag (~200ppm), Cellmax's Root booster and gave every pot couple of tea spoons of shrooms from Extreme gardening. This will make root explode, if these two clones survives :D

And last photo - whole my rig, with Telos 006. Will keep it very simple, even can work with doors open at day, not afraiding to paint all wals in blurple :D
Today is start of my new grow - box, all plants also only today got under Telos. So only progress from today is important.

View attachment 809363
So, now all plants are a bit stressed now and we will see how fast they recovers. This one will be interesting :)
great set up you have there man first tent/ room iv seen with a skylight very cool :pop::pop::pop:
Thanks man :) This closet has two upper sections, so i used top section for giant td-silent 350 plus insulation, and middle section for filter and lights. Also this way all air sucked out is passing just around lamp to top, cooling it. Heatsink is pretty warm, but not hot, so i suppose this idea works :)
Will get back my IR themometer soon, so wll measure exact heatsink temperature. If it's under 50'C - maybe will add some cooling to be sure that it works in optimal mode. This is well insulated closet, can't forget it :)
Great cab bro, still stealth but the extra room to play should be a joy to watch. You are the master of small spaces. Good luck with your collection Certainly testing all sorts of ways of starting a plant.Really looking forward to this thread.

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Very positive impressions still. I just love this high-end (look at that heatsink :D ) piece, as im old school guy and i do believe that good things must be heavy :D
If seriously - so far so good, only need chech that temp after whole day working, if some cooler is needed there or not. Light flow itself is pleasant to eye, very uniform and everywhere evenly spreaded. First when saw Telos on photo i thought maybe red LEDs better should be spreaded evenly on hearsink, but now i see that there is no difference, i do not see any difference on by-side color rendering in front of lamp, maybe because of diffusion.
But that is not most important thing. Most important is to see how it performs on plants and i gave them real stress - test in the beginning, as im mostly interested in seeing how that lights impacts recovery and everything. As i grow mostly photos, this is very important to me when using various methods.

You are all welcome guys, i myself cant wait what this thing can do!