Dragon Meds Portal Automix...Let the indoor LED wars begin!54"X20X34" microgrow

:bong: Orange popsicles, eh? Who could turn that down?! I love orange tasting strains

Looking forward to seeing your portal strains go :pop: have fun, bro

This is truly the year of the fruit for me...first the fruity chronic juice outdoor and its cherry smell, and now orange popsicles! One thing I can say about the portal strains so far is the odours are very complex and unique.(and amazing) I already cant wait to try the next batch and they are only 10 days old! (bloodstone, moonstone and sourdmango)
I believe most of the strains are indica dominant right? I have my favorite 2 if 5gal pots instead of 3. A fairy frost and a Blackstone. The fairy frost has these monstrous cotyledon that are way bigger than any other in my garden and is pretty tall already. And the single Blackstone I have is already like shimmering with tiny crystals and is not even 2 weeks. I think both these plants are going to b something special and if I notice a huge yield difference without too many days extra growth between 3 and 5 gal pots I might switch everything to 5s.
I believe most of the strains are indica dominant right? I have my favorite 2 if 5gal pots instead of 3. A fairy frost and a Blackstone. The fairy frost has these monstrous cotyledon that are way bigger than any other in my garden and is pretty tall already. And the single Blackstone I have is already like shimmering with tiny crystals and is not even 2 weeks. I think both these plants are going to b something special and if I notice a huge yield difference without too many days extra growth between 3 and 5 gal pots I might switch everything to 5s.

I'd say for the most part most of the portal strains would be indica dominant. Cant wait to try them ALL!! :D
My friend stickman suggested bloodstone as it was one of his favorites so I went for that instead of the stone dragon this run. I'll probably toss a few varied dragons outdoor guerilla style(with an organic mix), and see how they can do on their own this summer.
Do u notice a huge difference in the smoke from your organic outdoor to the AN indoor? Terpines or flavors or anything more enhanced with the more organic side of things?
Do u notice a huge difference in the smoke from your organic outdoor to the AN indoor? Terpines or flavors or anything more enhanced with the more organic side of things?

I find a superior taste using synthetic nutes, and not organic. What?? Why you ay ask? For the simple reason that I find it easier to control the amount of nutrients, and at the end be able to leech them out properly. Outdoors its often hard to know how much any particular strain is going to uptake, and leave behind. Now I am not saying that outdoor organics aren't tasty, but I personally find it more difficult to get a superior smoke. Some of my outdoor girls taste great this year(hollands hope, BB), but the G-13 has an off taste and joints go out(due to horse manure that wasn't taken in by harvest)
Ahhhh I see that makes perfect sense! I was just curious because I've heard a lot of people say organic taste better, I've never personally been able to pin point it lol so I think it just comes down to grower preference....

When's the new light arriving? Is that thing even going to fit in your cab? Lol
Ahhhh I see that makes perfect sense! I was just curious because I've heard a lot of people say organic taste better, I've never personally been able to pin point it lol so I think it just comes down to grower preference....

When's the new light arriving? Is that thing even going to fit in your cab? Lol

Light is in and hooked up!! With a rearrangement of the other 2 lights, it fit perfectly. Galaxyhydro's on each end and the mars in the middle. Got to get into town in the next couple of days and get promix and a stronger fan to set up a diy carbon filter, and pull more heated air from the cab setup to keep heat in check.

So the final weigh in is finished...Frosty pulled 2.5oz, Rocket pulled 2oz, and Shorty let me down a bit with 2 1/4oz. Super happy with the test run. Pulling 6 and 3/4oz out of 340 watts isn't bad at all, but there is certainly room for improvement!!
Shorty Trimmed up for smokin'
Just some things I feel I could do to better the setup:
1 Humidity is insane low in the winter(like 18% on the average). Certainly will be buying one of those mini humidifiers to help out on seedlings in the young stage.
2 A better grow medium. Usng the black topsoil worked out alright, but I bet promix or another higer quality medium would produce better results.
3 Boost the plant up into the strongest light a little earlier than the first run.(little nervous about light burn, but now I see I shouldn't be worried)
4 Rework my fan setup by increasing the exhaust fans power, and then using the pc fans to create a constant airflow on the plants.
5 Grab the other AN nutes I'm missing and use them.

Anyone have any suggestions to improve the setup?
very tasty looking bud, if the rest of 6 3/4 oz are this fine, good harvest

Thanks man! All 3 varieties are absolutely tremendous smoke, and quite unique. Now I cant wait to get the next batch(named portal strains) into flower. They are at 15days old right now and growing fine. This run will be SourDMango, BloodDragon and Moonstone. Pics of moonstone and blood dragon soon!