Dragon Meds Portal Automix...Let the indoor LED wars begin!54"X20X34" microgrow

2.5 is my lowest yield on the BB in 3 years, and I barely do anything to them for the whole summer, other than some training(and that's starting them under 100watts of t8 flouros...lol).
Everything is in the guide bud! ;) (though I think you might have to dig for specific fertilizer...really I need to do an update to the guide)
Any chance I could get the link to that guide, in having trouble finding it
Thanks for the reply bud! Man...wish you could get surplus power to run even one LED...results are quite spectacular and that early start on your spring girls would be a huge benefit in your situation!

I can run LEDs in spring, massive solar energy, can't hardly discharge batts. So, last April, waiting for green house did a window grow with a 25w supergrow led plus all that snow reflected sunshine. It was a good grow. I have room to grow 2 in the S. window, getting another led going for 2 this spring, and have enough room to start a couple of green house girls. Was even thinking maybe a super auto started 30 days early.
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I can run LEDs in spring, massive solar energy, can't hardly discharge batts. So, last April, waiting for green house did a window grow with a 25w supergrow led plus all that snow reflected sunshine. It was a good grow. I have room to grow 2 in the S. window, getting another led going for 2 this spring, and have enough room to start a couple of green house girls. Was even thinking maybe a super auto started 30 days early.

Oh sweet! Being able to throw down longer seasons will certainly increase the size and yield for you. The long running autos like Think big sound like they would be the ticket for you, as you can extend the season in the spring. Got any pics of the window grow?
Yep here ya go! IN my signature there is a link, but I am assuming you cant see it on the cell phone? https://www.autoflower.org/threads/...osensitive-monsters.47308/page-13#post-910801
Oh in case you were wondering. it was in the sticky section in the photosensitive category.
If I turn my phone sideways I can see your sig I just forget I can do that lol I'll get to reading tonight. So much reading. ..lol nor just yours but in studying breeding and just decided why not turn my 200x3 into a DIY cob light. Atulip just put up a great thread on ding it with a mars 300
Oh sweet! Being able to throw down longer seasons will certainly increase the size and yield for you. The long running autos like Think big sound like they would be the ticket for you, as you can extend the season in the spring. Got any pics of the window grow?

Russian Fuel 20 days before harvest
Well this is cool...know how pot always has a touch of unique flavour that's all its own? Well I have smoked a tester on Rocket last night, and again tonight and I can't believe it...sure it tastes like pot...but the unique flavour I get out of it is something I can't believe. Rocket tastes like orange fucking popsicles!!(don't usually use vulgarity, but shit!!!)
And now the negative thing about Rocket...very rarely have I seen very dense pot get fluffy on the dry, but this is one of those rare instances! She should be ready to jar up tomorrow, but its looking like it'll be less than frosty...who cares..Orange Popsicles!! :D