Dragon Meds Portal Automix...Let the indoor LED wars begin!54"X20X34" microgrow

Start it in a 5 gal pot on one side of the tent, train it to a 90 degree angle and run it all the way to the other side keeping a level canopy lol
Start it in a 5 gal pot on one side of the tent, train it to a 90 degree angle and run it all the way to the other side keeping a level canopy lol

I was thinking an 8 gallon pot in the center, spread training the outer branches to grow to each end, while S bend training the main top. Who knows maybe even 2 of them in the 3 gallon pots would restrict overall growth enough to make 2 fit in there perfect.
I was thinking an 8 gallon pot in the center, spread training the outer branches to grow to each end, while S bend training the main top. Who knows maybe even 2 of them in the 3 gallon pots would restrict overall growth enough to make 2 fit in there perfect.
I like the 8 gallon, have ANY small phenom showed up or are they all xxl? If arts like 99 percent sure it would b really cool to see one plant in there like s bush lol
Whether or not I love the smoke on the auto ultimate(I'll know after summer) will determine if I dedicate the complete space to an A-ultimate or another of the huge DP strains I try in there.

Day 81
Alright gents...here we go! Shorty has been trimmed, and all I have to say is WOW!! Though she might be the shortest, she certainly has some buds on her branches!

Shorty has an awesome citrus smell that is just amazing. Really a topnotch strain whatever strain it is!!

Yep this plant proved it to me...autos are badass plants, that have the potential to have insane buds on them...it would seem that selective defoliation and fairly heavy supercropping were certainly a success on Shorty!

And a final pic close up:

Dry pics of Rocket and Shorty once dry. I'll be continuing this journal starring a portal Bloodstone and Moonstone, assuming I get a female of each(2 seeds started of each, but one Bloodstone got caught under the soil while sprouting and it got severely stunted so I culled it) With any luck 1 female of each along with the SourDmango's planted!!
Looking very good, promise I'll post pics in the morning. Very busy day with a birthday for my step son and helping my brother with his garden, I've been behind all day lol. Looking good so far, growth seems good for day 7. Just gave my first feed to the other 3portal strains, hopefully they take off!