Dragon Meds Portal Automix...Let the indoor LED wars begin!54"X20X34" microgrow

Still a nice camera though for sure!! Takes great pics still!
I'm starting to think having this 600 in here is possibly a waste of space and electricity as I think the 1200 could pull it off by itself in there. But 8 plants is a lot even for my 4x4 space so I'll see how this goes. I'm sure it doesn't hurt right? Eventually it will b light for the days 20 to 40 in my 2x4 tent in my planned perpetual line up. 1200 will b working alone most likely or with little help. I'll see what deals I find lol anyway 230 sounds great. Doing a DAB than getting soil and pot ready for tomorrow's drop. Should have 3 Littles sprouts in the morning also! Nashira, black stone and fairy frost.
Still a nice camera though for sure!! Takes great pics still!
I'm starting to think having this 600 in here is possibly a waste of space and electricity as I think the 1200 could pull it off by itself in there. But 8 plants is a lot even for my 4x4 space so I'll see how this goes. I'm sure it doesn't hurt right? Eventually it will b light for the days 20 to 40 in my 2x4 tent in my planned perpetual line up. 1200 will b working alone most likely or with little help. I'll see what deals I find lol anyway 230 sounds great. Doing a DAB than getting soil and pot ready for tomorrow's drop. Should have 3 Littles sprouts in the morning also! Nashira, black stone and fairy frost.

Definitely...I am not nocking the Canon...excellent little camera. I will be a Canon man forever. ;)
I am totally in the group that thinks that more light is better as long as the heat can be controlled. That comes from growing under the 1billion watter for so many years, and seeing the magic that the sun produces.
Cant wait to see your fairy frost and others too man! Whats the nashira genetics?
Not sure off hand. Not much to find in the catalogue either. Very new and limited at the moment I believe. I'm having major heat issues, only reason I am rethinking running both lights. Came home at 930 tonight and it was 89.6F inside my tent:face::fire: but crazily enough they were thriving today and growth was far from stunted. I could almost say they might have enjoyed it actually. I just fed them all this morning so they had enough water to make things work I guess lol. I'm just holding off for another day or two when this storm hits to see how she cools down with the colder Temps since I won't b turning up the heat any with my cheap ass. 68F all winter. Will use my Amish plug in fire place when needed lol. Got black plastic over both my windows in my grow room so I can't vent in cool air from there. I was informed I can't run my exhaust into my cool air intake because co2 would go dangerously high. Not quite sure what I'm going to do. If I took some pictures of everything do you think we could brainstorm some ideas before I cut a6 inch ducting hole in this ladies house connected to a fan on a thermal timer that turns on when Temps get too high and blows cold air into my room hahaha
Not sure off hand. Not much to find in the catalogue either. Very new and limited at the moment I believe. I'm having major heat issues, only reason I am rethinking running both lights. Came home at 930 tonight and it was 89.6F inside my tent:face::fire: but crazily enough they were thriving today and growth was far from stunted. I could almost say they might have enjoyed it actually. I just fed them all this morning so they had enough water to make things work I guess lol. I'm just holding off for another day or two when this storm hits to see how she cools down with the colder Temps since I won't b turning up the heat any with my cheap ass. 68F all winter. Will use my Amish plug in fire place when needed lol. Got black plastic over both my windows in my grow room so I can't vent in cool air from there. I was informed I can't run my exhaust into my cool air intake because co2 would go dangerously high. Not quite sure what I'm going to do. If I took some pictures of everything do you think we could brainstorm some ideas before I cut a6 inch ducting hole in this ladies house connected to a fan on a thermal timer that turns on when Temps get too high and blows cold air into my room hahaha

Without a doubt stone could shed some light on the genes of Nashira!

Damn heat...hmm. Would another outtake exhaust fan cure the problem perhaps...I suppose not if the ambient temp in the room(not the tent) is too high. Even though the windows are plastic covered, could you not run an intake fan to draw in cool air into the outer room, hence lowering the temps overall?
Haven't figured out how to get cold air in yet so I hung my carbon filter, took out the 600w sadly.centered the 1200. I ran ducting from the hung filter outside of the tent to my 6 inch stealth in line fan. I have ducting on the end of the fan directing heat through a vent into my living room. I'm sure home Depot has an adapter for this so it's not so ghetto but here's what I rigged up:crying:
Sour D mango has been dropped.trying a little something new. Cut a paper towel roll down to about an inch in length. Placed it in the center of my pot and only presoaked that little area using about 100ml from a bottle that I mixed 1ml voodoo per liter. Sowed my bean down in there and covered the area with the cut to of a500ml water bottle to keep humidity up instead of using saran wrap like normal. Slowly dialing things in!
Sour D mango has been dropped.trying a little something new. Cut a paper towel roll down to about an inch in length. Placed it in the center of my pot and only presoaked that little area using about 100ml from a bottle that I mixed 1ml voodoo per liter. Sowed my bean down in there and covered the area with the cut to of a500ml water bottle to keep humidity up instead of using saran wrap like normal. Slowly dialing things in!

Nice man! I've started X5 SourDMango, X2 Bloodstone, X2 Moonstone...let the good times roll...choppy, chop Frosty tomorrow afternoon. So...whoever gets the first seedling above soil level gets the honour of starting the joint thread?
Yeah that's a great idea! Caught me off guard because I'm using a new germ method eh? Sneaky sneaky. ..lol that's perfect though man. I'm excited about the bloodstone! Ate they all regs?