Dragon Meds Portal Automix...Let the indoor LED wars begin!54"X20X34" microgrow

Calm down 912, summers still a full grow away haha I really need to find a spot to do some outdoor stuff this year as I live in the stupid city! My goal this year is to grow enough green to put a down payment on a house for my family, in the country. So I'm on the same path as you good sir! No space unfilled in my tent, ever. I just need a couple things to have my grow room complete and not need any more upgrades. Are you planning on keeping the cab going during the summer or do you give all your focus to the outdoor garden?
Calm down 912, summers still a full grow away haha I really need to find a spot to do some outdoor stuff this year as I live in the stupid city! My goal this year is to grow enough green to put a down payment on a house for my family, in the country. So I'm on the same path as you good sir! No space unfilled in my tent, ever. I just need a couple things to have my grow room complete and not need any more upgrades. Are you planning on keeping the cab going during the summer or do you give all your focus to the outdoor garden?

Haha...non stop buddy!! Nice good luck on your venture!!
The cab will hit insane temps(I am guessing 120-130 on hot days) in the summer and will be unfeasible to run it from mid june - mid sept. All focus to outdoor girls for sure, though the way I grow outdoors I don't have to do a whole lot most of the summer. :D
Guess we were posting at the same time, no cab for summer eh? I'm excited to see how those upgrades take to your set up. How much is the t5 setup round about?
Guess we were posting at the same time, no cab for summer eh? I'm excited to see how those upgrades take to your set up. How much is the t5 setup round about?

Yeah just too hot to run during the summer. I'll be running jut a single 4' T8 for extra UVA/UVB, since I still have my fixtures from before I got the new leds and they are now retired from growing to use as shop lights. Since its a T8, proximity to the plants will have to be pretty close.
Estimated cost for the bulb is $25-30.
I think my 1200 has 4 uv diodes. How many in the one u have? I'm really interested in putting either a couple of those or a hps in there but I'm loving my LED so far. ..will see how all turns out in the end I suppose lol. The price is great on those lights though and they do a wonderful job!
I think my 1200 has 4 uv diodes. How many in the one u have? I'm really interested in putting either a couple of those or a hps in there but I'm loving my LED so far. ..will see how all turns out in the end I suppose lol. The price is great on those lights though and they do a wonderful job!

Nice...didn't know the 1200 mars has the UV! I am not sure how many are in the galaxy, but it does a nice job indeed. Be even better once there is 2 and the mars in there!!