Dragon Meds Portal Automix...Let the indoor LED wars begin!54"X20X34" microgrow

So I could easily put them outside hidden but not smelt? thus Keeping my girls safe except for what I want to pollenate?

I'd say for sure. A tip i got from @Nan is a great one in your situation. Grow out the males in the grow room until their Balls are fairly well formed. Then cut the main stalk/branch off the male and place in a window in a vase of water on a glass plate. The plant will continue to mature and drop pollen on the plate.
Day 50 - Still hoping for much more bulk, but am ecstatic about the crystal count. Going to be phenomenal smoke!

Cab interior view (Rocket foreground, Shorty middle ground, Frosty at the far end)
View attachment 516066

Frosty overview
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Frosty Up Close(don't mind the off colour...forgot to reset the white balance)
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Frosty's lowest buds are also nicely trich covered...sweet! By rotating the plants under the UV light(LEDlightseller/GalaxyHydro) every 2 days crystal increase is noticed visually within a day.
View attachment 516070

Rocket(without a doubt this plant will be still flowering when the next batch of lil' ones are being fired up, which I have a goal to get X2 female Stone Dragons and X2 SourD Mango, with another light addition to be added early/mid grow)
View attachment 516071

Shorty is also packing on the crystal...closeups next round:
View attachment 516081
becoming the ice queen
Day 62

Frosty is bulking out really nice now. She is looking and smelling excellent. I checked her under the scope and found that all glands are cloudy. Started leeching process tonight using 3litres of final flush water. I'll repeat this 2 more times and she will be cut in 7 days.
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Absolutely stunning crystal count on Frosty.
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Forgot to change the light balance on this pic and what a cool effect it left.
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Shorty is filling out really nicely with some thick bud. Awesome fruity smell coming out and great crystal formation.
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80% cloudy glands with 20% clear trichs.
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Rocket is doing great also...not super big buds on her, but she is a bit behind the others for sure. Leaves are yellowing though, so she is on the final phase! Sorry no pics of Rocket as my camera battery died. In a couple of days more pics. Rocket has an amazing orange citrus smell currently that's very, very exciting!!
ooo, that color shift is real eye candy
so glad I bumped into this thread, got some wonderful girls there

I too am super happy you found it! Thanks for the comments/compliments on the girls.
Yes I am ecstatic with the strains and the setup...firing up the next batch of seeds on Friday.(cutting frosty on Saturday, just in time for the new batch to settle into the empty space in their 8" pots)
I too am super happy you found it! Thanks for the comments/compliments on the girls.
Yes I am ecstatic with the strains and the setup...firing up the next batch of seeds on Friday.(cutting frosty on Saturday, just in time for the new batch to settle into the empty space in their 8" pots)
Got months to wait to garden again, you and the rest of the green tribe on AFN are keeping me green, until it's happening
Got months to wait to garden again, you and the rest of the green tribe on AFN are keeping me green, until it's happening

This year is going to be a non stop growathon for me...from one into the next, into the next. As soon as the next indoor batch is done, I will be firing up the outdoor photos.(X8)
this is the kind of obsessive repetition I can get behind

Haha nice...honestly it will be this cycle from now on(non stop). I am completely rehooked into the indoor scene. So in the fall, as soon as the weather cools enough the cab will be fired up once again. I might try something nuts next year, like trying to grow out an auto ultimate in the cab. ;) (or a pair of XL DP auto strains like cookies and Brooklyn sunrise)

So upgrades will be happening at some point:
1 Another LEDlightseller/GalaxyHydro 100X3w - plan to upgrade this next round before flower sets in
2 A 4foot T8 UVA/UVB bulb (crystal is going to be dripping...will run timed for 4-6 hours) - plan to upgrade before major resin production starts this round
3 Upgrade outtake fans to include a DIY carbon filter (not a big deal, but with the stinkiest strains it would be a problem)