Dragon Meds Portal Automix...Let the indoor LED wars begin!54"X20X34" microgrow

@Discretepete2676 - Checked out glands today under the scope. Rocket is 50%clear/50%cloudy, Shorty is 80% cloudy 20%clear, and Frosty is all Cloudy...going to give frosty 4 leeches using 3litres of final flush starting tonight. So I figure she should be cut in 7 days. I'll be starting seeds directly in paper towel in 6 days. So this Friday. :D
Pics later tonight
Great news! I'm get 3 pots warming up and put one aside and ready to warm up all Thursday night. Will drop sour mango next Friday before work! Do we have to arrange something with @Mossy for us to run a thread together on the sour mango? Or can we do that ourselves?
Great news! I'm get 3 pots warming up and put one aside and ready to warm up all Thursday night. Will drop sour mango next Friday before work! Do we have to arrange something with @Mossy for us to run a thread together on the sour mango? Or can we do that ourselves?

I think just a thread with the appropriate title and both of us updating would work okay? I'd say the dragon meds category would be the most suitable place?
Day 62

Frosty is bulking out really nice now. She is looking and smelling excellent. I checked her under the scope and found that all glands are cloudy. Started leeching process tonight using 3litres of final flush water. I'll repeat this 2 more times and she will be cut in 7 days.

Absolutely stunning crystal count on Frosty.

Forgot to change the light balance on this pic and what a cool effect it left.

Shorty is filling out really nicely with some thick bud. Awesome fruity smell coming out and great crystal formation.

80% cloudy glands with 20% clear trichs.

Rocket is doing great also...not super big buds on her, but she is a bit behind the others for sure. Leaves are yellowing though, so she is on the final phase! Sorry no pics of Rocket as my camera battery died. In a couple of days more pics. Rocket has an amazing orange citrus smell currently that's very, very exciting!!
Right I just threw some dabs on a bowl, very nice feeling. Dabs are too shitty to do alone, first try owell. Lol not bad though. Yeah any back on track yeah that name works perfect. I don't think many much of us care to much about fancy names. I was at work sober when I thought about an attractive name haha now in like :smoking: perfect let's get this week by! Lol I'm waiting on a light to get delivered Monday on my day off! Got to get my temps down though. Is about 85! But they seem to b thriving. Drank a lot but that's cool!!!! I'll b posting pics in a second on my thread! I need to buy more soil as well. With added perlite only had enough for 3 pots anyway. Got those warming up in the morning. To tired tonight to do anymore. Lol
Amazing trich coverage on those girls! They are super big too! Laying in bed admiring them with the wife! Some beautiful ladies you got there! And spey healthy looking! Do they feel pretty denser or do u try not to fondle them often?
Right I just threw some dabs on a bowl, very nice feeling. Dabs are too shitty to do alone, first try owell. Lol not bad though. Yeah any back on track yeah that name works perfect. I don't think many much of us care to much about fancy names. I was at work sober when I thought about an attractive name haha now in like :smoking: perfect let's get this week by! Lol I'm waiting on a light to get delivered Monday on my day off! Got to get my temps down though. Is about 85! But they seem to b thriving. Drank a lot but that's cool!!!! I'll b posting pics in a second on my thread! I need to buy more soil as well. With added perlite only had enough for 3 pots anyway. Got those warming up in the morning. To tired tonight to do anymore. Lol

For me the everclear tincture and smoking combo is win, win for the body, mind and soul!! I have enough soil currently for my starter pots but that's about all.
I am up and down about whether to keep mixing up the strains on this one or go with my original plan of X5stone dragons, X5 sourdmangos. In one way I kind of want to try 4 different strains this run, but then it will be a gamble on getting a single female of the sourdmango if I start just 2 seeds of each strain. (considering starting X2 moonstone, X2 sourdmango, X2 stone dragon, X2 ??)

But you know what...that's crazy starting just 2 of reg seeds and expecting a female. SO instead I will do X4 mangos (going for two females) and a pair of moonstones, along with a pair of stone dragons. That way hopefully I will get 3 strains.

So I do try not to handle the girls too much, but I can say that even the lowest buds on all 3 are nice and dense(cant resist squeezing once in awhile). Quite impressed with density(remember I am an outdoor grower and used to grow using mh/hps 1k years ago)

No pics were taken using a flash. The white reflective light is from the mars hydro 100X3w running in the backround. I much prefer the natural pics using the light meters in the camera to get the colours as close to real as I can. Very challenging under 2 totally different light types...still working on the pics. :D