Dragon Meds Portal Automix...Let the indoor LED wars begin!54"X20X34" microgrow

My bad!
I use 1/3 perlite NOT 50% as I originally stated. I reuse (I use a lot) some of my PRO-Mix from previous grows after letting it 'cook' (I use a lot of medium) . So I add 1/3 'used' pro-mix, 1/3 new pro-mix, and you guessed it 1/3 perlite. Sorry for the confusion guys. Carry on!

Yea, I was blown away the first time I bought a bag of #4 size perlite at how inexpensive it is. I use the largest size (forget right now what size #) for my outdoor TLO mix, and it is a little more than twice as much.

Good plan on the YDB, Greenster! Mine got around 3' outdoors last year. I will have to see if I took a picture of her. If I find one, I will post it later in this thread. Need to ready to go to town again, as my wife has an appointment with her Oncologist late this morning. I will pick you guys up some perlite. LOL.


Years ago I experimented with growing and cloning in straight perlite and vermiculite, and in mixes of the two. All worked well. :) Perlite is a great price, and its aeration qualities is a huge benefit.

Please do post the pic of the ybd if you have one. Good luck at the Doc's, if you can get me a bail of promix :D
Guess what I got in the mail today? !?!?! :) my portal beans! My brother got to them before me so he made his choices first. I only have one sour mango to germ but so far my germinating rate is 9 for 9 with my method so hope it pops! Lol debating if I want to put up my 4x4 tent tomorrow and start 4 more girls around the 4 I have going and hope my 1200 on full spectrum can handle 4 3 week old girls with 4 newborns lol. Shouldn't ba problem for that beast right? Should I put the seedlings directly under the light or on the edges like I said spinning them consistently lol until my 600w gets here and then there will b no escaping the light anywhere in that tent lol
Guess what I got in the mail today? !?!?! :) my portal beans! My brother got to them before me so he made his choices first. I only have one sour mango to germ but so far my germinating rate is 9 for 9 with my method so hope it pops! Lol debating if I want to put up my 4x4 tent tomorrow and start 4 more girls around the 4 I have going and hope my 1200 on full spectrum can handle 4 3 week old girls with 4 newborns lol. Shouldn't ba problem for that beast right? Should I put the seedlings directly under the light or on the edges like I said spinning them consistently lol until my 600w gets here and then there will b no escaping the light anywhere in that tent lol

They showed! Right on! I'd say a 1200 will easily handle X4 3 week old and X4 babies. Assuming your distance from the light is suitable for seedlings, I would run them right under the light. So are you in a hurry to get the mango sprouted? It might be a full week before I am sprouting.
I'm in a hurry for no reason other than excitement haha I have no problem waiting a week or so because that will put me closer to 30 days between sets of plants which means two harvests a month apart :) I can wait my friend! Just hiring week three in my current grow so things are about to very crazy with training. Give me more time to figure couple things out too and get prepared. Haven't even got the new tent up hey so no rush
I'm in a hurry for no reason other than excitement haha I have no problem waiting a week or so because that will put me closer to 30 days between sets of plants which means two harvests a month apart :) I can wait my friend! Just hiring week three in my current grow so things are about to very crazy with training. Give me more time to figure couple things out too and get prepared. Haven't even got the new tent up hey so no rush

Okay great...I'll get off my arse asap and get the supplies I nee to get the next round going.
YDB on July 22nd in 3 gallon fabric pot grown with TLO.
Sorry no other pics. I let her go another month. Well worth the space to grow OD imho.
I don't weigh anything, but I am sure I got well over 2oz off of her. The smoke on this pheno leans towards the Sati side. I only grew out this one pheno. Nice open structure, with tight buds.

The little girl next to her is a fem Stone Dragon (black pheno.)

912 if you got a second I need some help. I know I gave my plants ntox and slight nutrient burn. The new growth on the main cola seems burnt the most, led is like 32 inches away only on veg. The side branches are bushing out and looking not as burnt. I gave each girl 500ml of RO water a few days ago and they are ready today but not sure if I should give a light feed or another watering. Last feed was 1.2ml per liter of grow A and B, 1ml voodoo and 1ml Cabo load all mixed into a liter and split between two plants on day 15, 6 days ago. I'll take a picture real quick. Should I run a liter of water into each or liter of feed into each?
I was thinking 1.2 ml of grow A and B and 1 ml Carbo load per liter and give each a liter? Should b able to handle it now that they are bigger
YDB on July 22nd in 3 gallon fabric pot grown with TLO.
Sorry no other pics. I let her go another month. Well worth the space to grow OD imho.
I don't weigh anything, but I am sure I got well over 2oz off of her. The smoke on this pheno leans towards the Sati side. I only grew out this one pheno. Nice open structure, with tight buds.

The little girl next to her is a fem Stone Dragon (black pheno.)

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Very sativa like indeed! Easily fit a plant like that practically anywhere! I have X3 ybds so i'll put them in between as fillers. So what kind of smell and type of high from the ybd?

912 if you got a second I need some help. I know I gave my plants ntox and slight nutrient burn. The new growth on the main cola seems burnt the most, led is like 32 inches away only on veg. The side branches are bushing out and looking not as burnt. I gave each girl 500ml of RO water a few days ago and they are ready today but not sure if I should give a light feed or another watering. Last feed was 1.2ml per liter of grow A and B, 1ml voodoo and 1ml Cabo load all mixed into a liter and split between two plants on day 15, 6 days ago. I'll take a picture real quick. Should I run a liter of water into each or liter of feed into each?

Sorry about the delay..went away for until now. Looking at the pics I would go with the feed schedule, unless the strain is known to be a light feeder. Might not be a bad idea to bump it back to 1.2 just for a single feed then go up to 1.3 assuming all is looking good.