Pollen Collection And Long Term Storage

I reported your post see if we cant get some answer, I'm intreaged.
Thanks a ton bud. I can breathe easier now. Been reading everywhere on what that could be and found NOTHING lol. I do 'appreciate your help more than you probably know. Cheers, L4
yeah just wait, might wanna let the pollen saks that do fall off dry completely before any attempat collection, some don't put off a lot of pollen until they are very mature, I had a mini thunderfuck do this for me, but rest assured you will have pollen, might wann check out some of the eppendorf free vials thread if you need a storage conatainer. I just put a dry pollen sack in the container give it a flick a few times dump the leaf matter and voila perfect pollen, let this open over night then into the freezer she goes

let the pollen sack dry off completely on the plant