How I collect pollen

WOW very efficient method for pollen collection. I totally copied your idea with a screen over a mason jar! So much easier than what I used to do thanks for sharing!


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I love things with products are not common where I am ( jars with this lid or the metsl coffe filter). Brilliant. I will adapt to what I can find...but love the idea.thanks!
I love things with products are not common where I am ( jars with this lid or the metsl coffe filter). Brilliant. I will adapt to what I can find...but love the idea.thanks!
I am in the process of using this setup again. I find this easier than anything else I have tried, and the small amber jars seem to keep pollen in the freezer for at least a couple years, maybe longer. I am growing my pollen "library", now up to six different strains, including a couple crosses that are working out rather well. The current entire library of pollen is in a sandwich sized plastic container that lives in the freezer except when being used or added to.

I now apply pollen using a bicycle pump to blow air through a small jar with pollen in it through a tube into a plastic or wet cloth bag over the target branch (or in one case, an entire plant in a solo cup). It works a treat, and controls the pollen perfectly so far.