looking nice in there dude, good training and brave defol that will see you well when she kicks into gear.

Fookinell Stoney! That was a harsh trim!
Poor babies. [emoji23]

Step away from the scissors! [emoji23][emoji23]
ahhh its not that bad iv done worse hahaha should be grand slightly concerned about the nicole cream cookies genetics are known too be a bit sensitive but hey if they do go hermie on me it will give me a great to start to stoneys seimreh genetics company free seeds with every grow guaranteed hahahaha
everything is going great no complaints heres stretching 2-3cm a day right now just bumped the feed to 1.6 E.C lets see how they like it have a few different phenos in the tent all happy so far no need to change anything sticking with 1.5ml/L of calmag seems to be keeping any deficiency away plants where starting to get a bit dense so decided to give them a early defoliation i fear il be doing this again soon didnt go nuts just enough to let the light through

decide to net them now get there height under control i was tempted to let go a bit more natural but
probably More trouble than its worth

after sitting down and smoking a doobie i decided to super crop some of the tall branches get everything a bit more even should fill out nicely not bad for a single telos -008
always looks a bit hacked just after a trim and a super crop by next week ya wont even know it happened

I've had plants like that, makes me wonder why I bother with defoliation when three days later they seem to be as bushy again. You will be glad you did as much as you did I am sure!
ahhh its not that bad iv done worse hahaha should be grand slightly concerned about the nicole cream cookies genetics are known too be a bit sensitive but hey if they do go hermie on me it will give me a great to start to stoneys seimreh genetics company free seeds with every grow guaranteed hahahaha


You’ve done worse? What did you do? Chop them off at ground level?! [emoji23][emoji23]

Naaa... they’re looking lovely, mate. I did prefer them before you went all Edward Scissor Hands tho.


You’ve done worse? What did you do? Chop them off at ground level?! [emoji23][emoji23]

Naaa... they’re looking lovely, mate. I did prefer them before you went all Edward Scissor Hands tho.

no the opposite kinda sorta but not really if that makes sense from this

to this

you where there for that loooong asss thread so you now how i roll already hahahaha buddy left me alone in his grow room one day came back in to some skinny looking girls should have seen his face hahaha .....told him it was for his own good
I've had plants like that, makes me wonder why I bother with defoliation when three days later they seem to be as bushy again. You will be glad you did as much as you did I am sure!
tell me about it rivet il likely do another around week 4 see how it looks then nothing as drastic in mid flower just to let the sunshine in so to speak
tell me about it rivet il likely do another around week 4 see how it looks then nothing as drastic in mid flower just to let the sunshine in so to speak

I had a plant hermie hard, and since then I have been worried about the heavy defoliation. But I have a hard time leaving the plants alone. I started supercropping too, but not at the same time as a heavier defol. I really like manipulating my plants but I think I have been a bit heavy handed as of late so I am trying to be less invasive, it's hard tho.
I had a plant hermie hard, and since then I have been worried about the heavy defoliation. But I have a hard time leaving the plants alone. I started supercropping too, but not at the same time as a heavier defol. I really like manipulating my plants but I think I have been a bit heavy handed as of late so I am trying to be less invasive, it's hard tho.
yea i hear what your saying its very easy to go too far be a bit too rough somtimes less is more its just about looking at your plant and deciding your game plan is going to be in saying that jumping in head first can be fun too just depends on how much you need that end product
no the opposite kinda sorta but not really if that makes sense from this

to this

you where there for that loooong asss thread so you now how i roll already hahahaha buddy left me alone in his grow room one day came back in to some skinny looking girls should have seen his face hahaha .....told him it was for his own good

Ah yes... I’m regaining faith in the Stoney scissors!
I had a plant hermie hard, and since then I have been worried about the heavy defoliation. But I have a hard time leaving the plants alone. I started supercropping too, but not at the same time as a heavier defol. I really like manipulating my plants but I think I have been a bit heavy handed as of late so I am trying to be less invasive, it's hard tho.

Yee... I like a scrog. Just to keep the height down... [emoji848] Stick it on when the stretch starts and take it off when the stretch is done. That’s when I go in with the choppers. [emoji51]

You should have seen the massive bag of leaves I had to get rid of today tho! [emoji33]