Indoor PharmaZ's Mars Hydro Fast&Vast auto Grow

Something else to consider on those lower leaves, if the plants can drink up any run off it can be the cause of what your seeing.
Hi Jingo, I don't leave any run off in the container at the bottom, I always dispose of it. I pretty sure it's an under watering issue now. Looked at a website and found this pic

That leaf on the left looks exactly the same as my issue and this was a pic from a underwatering post. I've taken 4 of the leaves off that were effected and will remove another 2-4 when I LST this smaller plant probably next week. It's ok though my other plants been LSTd and looking healthy, the plant that was effected was always my problem plant. Of course I don't want to lose her but I don't care so much for losing a few leaves ;)
Good catch, I can see what you meen on the left. :Slap: thanks for passing that on.[emoji316]
Jingo sorry mate It didn't show up as the emoji for the slap, I didn't quite understand the meaning :p

All good for passing it along, I was relieved to find that pic
It feels like the quite before the storm, those lady's are about shoot up and take over that space...existing :cheers:
Slater dude, if they double in height that would take them to where the light changes. Anything past that and they won't get any light :(
I'm one of those few people that don't want big plants. I just want big buds ;)
Slater dude, if they double in height that would take them to where the light changes. Anything past that and they won't get any light :(
I'm one of those few people that don't want big plants. I just want big buds ;)

Better get that bondage ready :naughtystep:... been waiting to use that emoji :thumbsup:
Looking good dude. Those girls definitely look like they are gonna bust out your lights. You don't have any more room to raise them? I'd start tying those ladies up now if it were me.:smoking:
Supercropping will be the answer. looking fantastic man. im like you nice buds are better than huge plants!