PH Testing

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6.1 today, up 0.2 from yesterday.. Not sure how, I ate Italian last night
I've never had to take a piss test but Auntie M has convinced me. My first reading was 6.5, not great not bad. I drink gallons of coffee, but lately reading more about PH here I have started drinking a splash of organic lemon juice in water 3 times a day as I think about it.
I walked into the pharmacy last night and asked about ph test kits.
It was like I was asking for narcotics!!!
I was bounced around a bit from employee to pharmacist only to be told
that they don't sell that sort of stuff!!
Pretty sure I did not ask for anything too out of the ordinary!!

Oh well I will try some others to see what they say.

Could we just use regular ph test strips?
Seems to me they would measure the same thing!
Im sure even the ph strips for pools would work.... Though may not be the best but yiu can get a digital ph meter on amazon for less than $20 which I think would be slightly more accurate than a ph test strip (which cost around $5-10 anyways)... I wonder if it would be acceptable if I took oh supplements to make my bodys ph rise.:: maybe can do test of ph before and after supplement etc..
Two products I was looking at..

I walked into the pharmacy last night and asked about ph test kits.
It was like I was asking for narcotics!!!
I was bounced around a bit from employee to pharmacist only to be told
that they don't sell that sort of stuff!!
Pretty sure I did not ask for anything too out of the ordinary!!

If in Doubt check amazon out...saves you getting funny looks in the Chemists...:D

I was going to suggest these because they are cheaper than a PH meter..they are now where as accurate as the meters..but most of the PH changes as so far from the normal range they should pick it up

I will try to start sticking links up for all product mentioned coz some of the price differences are immense.
ie 60 x 600 mg Alpha Lipoic acid tablets vary from around a tenner up to 34 quid..
so I'll post what I am using..:thumbs:
I wonder if it would be acceptable if I took oh supplements to make my bodys ph rise.:: maybe can do test of ph before and after supplement etc..

Sounds like a plan to me.

A couple of members are using a cretain fruit/vegetable supplement that may have a big PH boost too..
and I know there are a whole load of links for food and drinks that can boost your metabolism..which is what we are basically doing..:thumbs:
Hey Aunty Mossy. I tested my tap water(country well water) the other day gearing up for growing and it's rockin' out at about 4.6! That's pretty low eh? Is that ok for regular drinking? Ppm of 35.

In town our city water was around 7.5, but Ppm of almost 200.