PH Testing

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Thought we could start a body Ph testing results here. For when this starts to take off.:bong:

Great Idea..and I can simply move it when the time comes.

Mine tested at 7.8 this morning. Guess Ill check every couple of days.

stylez...come sit on the consulting couch next to Aunty Mossy..I wanna check the pulses in your extremities....Honest....:D

PH are the first person I have met that had a PH 7.8..
you are either Super Human Fit..
you are 12 years old..
you are coming down from speed or the old hokey cokey
you haven't calibrated your ph pen in a while..
or you have taken measures to increase your PH...

Which one is it..?...:D..I'm starting at the pulse in your ankle...and moving up..
the faster you answer..the quicker I stop..
so unless you want your Testimonials exposed on open need to answer Fast.

yeah.. it was TBM'ed :shrug:

There is still Hope that it may be resurected...:thumbs:...Bailer is Looking for the two PH threads as Priority..the Links will be restored as we come across them.

Not sure on that mate... but my guess is yes...

My Instinct says Yes too..:thumbs:...but not Tested out.
PH homework says that if you correct the PH you will not suffer skin complaints such as excema and psoriasis I'd take a guess that it would help acne too.

Certainly increasing the oxygen in the blood would help with faster Healing for it.

This is only My Opinion..but acne is associated with a yeast overgrowth problem.
Sugar Feeds yeast...:thumbs:
A little overview: The human body requires a balance between acids and bases to function properly. The pH level is a measurement of the acid-base relationship. It is actually the number of hydrogen ions in a particular solution. As the number of hydrogen ions increases, the pH level decreases. Low pH levels, or those under seven, are considered acidic, with higher pH levels, from seven to 14, called basic, or alkaline. It is vital for the body to have the proper pH needed for certain chemical reactions. Three internal mechanisms--buffers, respirations and kidney function--assist in regulating pH.
Normal Levels

The ideal pH for blood is between 7.35 and 7.45. Even a minor deviation from this range can cause problems with many body organs. Urine has a larger normal range, with its normal pH being between five and eight. Intestinal contents are more alkaline and usually have a pH that falls between eight and 10.


Buffers are the combinations of the body's own weak bases and acids, which exist in normal pH conditions. They work to minimize pH changes by adjusting the proportions of the acids and bases. Buffers work in pairs, with each part able to act in certain situations. If there is not enough hydrogen present, and the body is too basic, buffers will give hydrogen ions to the balance. If the concentration of hydrogen ions is high, the buffer will take some of the hydrogen ions out. Using this two-part system, buffers are an effective defense against pH imbalances.

Breathing plays another role in the maintenance of the body's pH range. Respiration allows carbon dioxide to leave the body. Carbon dioxide is slightly acidic. As carbon dioxide builds up in the blood, the acidity of the blood increases. The brain then regulates breathing, by adjusting the depth and speed, to balance the pH. This adjustment can occur at any time as needed.
Kidney Function

The kidneys are another line of defense against pH imbalances in the body. They are able to adjust the amount of acid or base that is excreted by the body in the urine. The kidneys work much more slowly than the lungs do, however, so results are not seen as quickly.

Acidosis and alkalosis, acid-base imbalances of the body, can be life-threatening. When an imbalance is present, body systems cannot function properly. This may lead to problems with breathing and circulation, sometimes resulting in coma or death. Acidosis occurs when the blood pH is too low (under 7.35), and alkalosis occurs when the pH is higher than 7.45. Depending on the cause, these disorders are considered metabolic or respiratory. Respiratory disorders are caused by abnormalities in carbon dioxide excretion, typically due to lung disorders. Metabolic conditions are caused by an imbalance in the excretion of acids and bases by the kidneys. To rectify these dangerous situations, medications are usually given to restore the acid-base balance.

My Pee H was 5.9 this a.m.

Mine was 7.11, with such poor eating habits and a HORRENDOUS Pepsi Max habit(sometimes upwards of 4-6 liters a day), I do off set this drinking water. Besides smoking my cloves and my MJ.. I don't do any thing else "bad". I do eat dairy and eggs, ABSOLUTELT nothing (fish,meat,poultry) with a face or that has blood in it... I have been this way for more than 20 of my 38 years on this stopping ground.
So a ph that is almost normal? How? Lol
Congrats! you are in the normal range for urine, between the ranges of 5-8. Although, I'd slow up on that Pepsi Max habit. LOL (I have a coca-cola habit, in fact I should own a piece of Coca-Cola)
Good Morning All,

Great thread Stylz

This brings up many questions. But I am not gonna ask all of them. I am here to share something I have goin on. I am on day two of Dr. Oz's DETOX JUICING diet. all today and tomorrow to go. I would have committed murder last night for a baked potato. But I do feel a bit better, and not so much like killing someone this morning. I bring this up because I am sure it is related to PH, and regularity, and how they correlate towards each other. I don't have a PH meter in my posession, but I have one on the way from amazon. I wish I could have checked my levels before, during and after. Maybe we can get someone else to try it? Someone who has an unhealthy lifestyle, and they maybe consume to much red meat or whatever, just a thought. I will let you ponder such theories as, ph balance, the rise and fall of health.

OH, by the way, artificial sweeteners are killers. Worse than the sugar itself.
Stevia and Agave Baby, the way to go.(until they find something wrong there too!)

Hey Mossy, my Ph pen is calibrated once a week. :thumbup:you gotta be gentle. I am 34, and my job is extremely physical. Other than that, I don't know. I don't eat much meat. I will check it again tomorrow Auntie.
I have to stop off at the pharmacy tonight and pick up one of these testers!

Will be extremely helpful to know what is going on inside!
Last time i checked it was too acidic.

Lifestyle change coming up!!!
5.8 today. Calibrated everything, up again Mossy. Will check every 2 days for my own curiousity.