pH this morning @ 6.4.
Get well soon Squid
Get well soon Squid

No course of treatment, PH fluctuates and 5.84 is still within the norm..1st day of winter in a few hours...had stressful night at work, feeling a bit congested and tired... I took my ph before going to bed now and I'm an astounded I got 5.84.... Correlation? The other day on my days off more rest much less stress and my ph was at least a point higher...
Mossy starting to see a correlation? I'm going to keep track of things a little not closely... Now I know my ph fluctuates like this, I know there supplements but I can't imagine them buffering your ph for the full day... What's best course of treatment here? Not sure if the grand daddy purple I just picked up and smoked or what but am amazed at this whole thing... The implication are mind boggling! Wonder why the big pharmaceutical company's haven't studied this...oh wait! Hmm adjusting someone's ph with health choices and supplements or to us expensive medicine... bingo! That's why corporate greed!