PH Testing

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I think it is the winter vomiting bug.
It has been going through the family and most of my people at work for the past few weeks!!
First time I have ever had it and would be fine never having it again!

When I have the strength to get my lazy body out of bed I will head on downstairs and check some body fluids after calibrating the unit.

Since it has never been in any human body fluids I guess I will do saliva first and the urine!
I will also cross check with ph strips to see how far off they are.

Results by tonight!
Now to just try and get liquid to stay down..
Okay, so I just have the energy to use the strips for now...

Saliva is between 5.5 to 5.75.
Need to work on getting my body more alkaline!

Urine is at 5.75.

Keep in mind that I have not eaten anything in over 24 hours.
Only fluids have been water and some ginger ale.
I did manage to get a few spoonfuls of chicken and rice soup down and it is still down!

I need to look up on ways to get my body more in line after this illness.

When I am more mobile and can visit my grow room I will test with the digital one.
1st day of winter in a few hours...had stressful night at work, feeling a bit congested and tired... I took my ph before going to bed now and I'm an astounded I got 5.84.... Correlation? The other day on my days off more rest much less stress and my ph was at least a point higher...
Mossy starting to see a correlation? I'm going to keep track of things a little not closely... Now I know my ph fluctuates like this, I know there supplements but I can't imagine them buffering your ph for the full day... What's best course of treatment here? Not sure if the grand daddy purple I just picked up and smoked or what but am amazed at this whole thing... The implication are mind boggling! Wonder why the big pharmaceutical company's haven't studied this...oh wait! Hmm adjusting someone's ph with health choices and supplements or to us expensive medicine... bingo! That's why corporate greed!
1st day of winter in a few hours...had stressful night at work, feeling a bit congested and tired... I took my ph before going to bed now and I'm an astounded I got 5.84.... Correlation? The other day on my days off more rest much less stress and my ph was at least a point higher...
Mossy starting to see a correlation? I'm going to keep track of things a little not closely... Now I know my ph fluctuates like this, I know there supplements but I can't imagine them buffering your ph for the full day... What's best course of treatment here? Not sure if the grand daddy purple I just picked up and smoked or what but am amazed at this whole thing... The implication are mind boggling! Wonder why the big pharmaceutical company's haven't studied this...oh wait! Hmm adjusting someone's ph with health choices and supplements or to us expensive medicine... bingo! That's why corporate greed!
No course of treatment, PH fluctuates and 5.84 is still within the norm..
OK well tested my urine ph this mourning and I am at @ 5.3 ... Last night I had wine with dinner and my daily supplements are b complex vitamins 100mg a day with a cranberry 500mg and Niacin @ 500mg.. I drink plenty of water throughout the day but dont eat fruit. Will incorporate some fruit in my diet..
Also had 2 cups of coffee before the test not sure it it effects the results..
:pee: PH=6.74 temp 87.2 F

Fresh from the Tap before the morning :coffee:

Make sure everyone is testing there ph with your second urination of the morning not the first. Dank as for coffee it is acidic but there are some benefits like detoxing the liver. I will be creating a thread soon to help anyone who wants to take the life back through a lifestyle change. Anyway my ph this morning 7.64 and before bed 7.43. This is where my ph stays on a daily basis and I haven't been sick in over a year. Plus I take no prescription meds anymore.
@ Dubv That is one of the things I'm shooting for to get rid of the scrips
Hoping with the help i get here I will be able to do it:D

Forgot to mention I am on meds for my Ptsd currently as well as another for nightmares.. Also that was my first urine of the day that I tested.. If anyone needs to know what meds I am on you can contact me via PM. Thanks