PH Testing

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Im testing consistently at 7.1 for the past 4 weeks or so. Eating a raw diet and was on a nearly 3 week juice fast.
Would love to get off my scripts as well. My Dr said I was to take the forever, since I tried to ween myself off twice with no luck. I'm in the same boat as Dank
Just to give everyone a quick background. About a year ago I was 40lbs overweight, blood pressure through the roof, nerve pain from two compressed disc pinching nerves, early onset arthritis, restless leg syndrome, panic attacks, and insomnia. I was givin the information by one of my best friends that the Mrs and I needed to try a paleo lifestyle because it will change our lives. Well I was like here we go again another crazy diet. Well fast forward to today. I have lost 63 lbs, my blood pressure is super human now, my nerve pain is almost gone, arthritis swelling gone, panic attacks gone, and I sleep like a baby every night now! Simply by changing the way I eat and keeping as many toxins out of my life as possible. If you dont already know but paleo is simply eating the way we were designed to feed ourselves in paleo times. This mean no sugar other than natural sugars like honey, agave, maple syrup, and coconut sugar. No grains or gluten period. This is huge my friends. Dont worry you can still bake with nut flours like almond and coconut flour. No legumes for the most part. No milk products period. If you pick up a package of food and read the back of it and you dont know one ingredient on it. Dont eat it! So just looking at this you are like what the hell probably! Dont because its worth it in every way! I am stronger physically and mentally just from the way I eat. I will be starting a thread soon that will help anyone who wants to try paleo because I can not force you to do it but it will change your life if you do forever.

Im mostly raw & totally vegan and have lost 20 pounds since late october, 20 pounds from my ideal "book" weight. Things are pretty good looking for me now. Not only has it changed the way I look, but most importantly, the way I feel. My attitude is incredible since making this change and taking gluten completely out of my diet.
I woke up this mornin' with a wine glass in my hand, what wine, who's wine, where the hell did I die?

6.7 This morning, first pee

I am gonna medicate and test again in 30- and 60 minutes

I would like to see that thread DubV,

way to go, like this thread

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TMM you know there is a battle between the paleo world and vegans but I want to stay away from that. I will say that I was raised by a vegan mother and she still is and being vegan is not for me and many people. I have done 21 day detoxs that are vegan but after that I went back to eating meat and I will discuss this in detail in the paleo thread here soon after the holidays my friends. Also I will be helping everyone who decides to try paleo with my tried and true recipes that I use on a daily basis. Also for those of you that think it will be too expensive to eat this way. I have manys tips that will help with this but I will ask you how much money do you spend on medical bills a year alone.....
Vegans rule! Just kidding. :lol: I am vegan and I think the paleo diet that you do, DubV is really cool and interesting. And obviously it works for you, more power to you! I don't cram my views down people's throats like some vegans do, they make us look bad. :lol: We talked about this way last year at some point.

And to the Medicine Man: Awesome! Totally didn't know that about you. I tried to make a 'shout out' to see if any vegans were on the site last year and I got two hits I think. haha
I love AFN more and more everyday I tell ya.
Pee test this afternoon after eating a slice of toast...
The lowest the strips can read....
Vegans rule! Just kidding. :lol: I am vegan and I think the paleo diet that you do, DubV is really cool and interesting. And obviously it works for you, more power to you! I don't cram my views down people's throats like some vegans do, they make us look bad. :lol: We talked about this way last year at some point.

And to the Medicine Man: Awesome! Totally didn't know that about you. I tried to make a 'shout out' to see if any vegans were on the site last year and I got two hits I think. haha
I love AFN more and more everyday I tell ya.

I eat eggs and dairy but NO OTHER loving creature, no fish, no meat, poultry etc... Been that way more than half my life... Just looked at the paleo diet... Very interesting indeed, just one I COULD never do!
Today lazylathe...?

I'm worried...:thumbs:
