PH Testing

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This is very unusual for me to be sick like this.
Normally i will get a bit of a head cold and that is it, i can go a few years without being sick.
Not a lot has changed with my diet, work or lifestyle.

Thanks for the tips Aunty!!!
I know we have some green teas at work so while i am here i will load up on them slowly!
I am curious over the years what my levels have been. aunty I couldn't tell you the last time I felt great. I used to think it was from my job, but even days off I feel run down.

Tired all the Time..doctors here it so much the call it TAT..and have it sussed..

I know I'm too young to feel like that.

That was me..when I can trace back I kept saying things like I must be getting Old..:no:..we aren't Taught to recognise that if you are feeling like this in your late 20's like I was..there is a Problem.

I believe arthritis is setting in my elbows from my job and my left wrist. I'm just falling apart. Lol Definitely gonna have to change my diet or something. I'm up for whatever are a Perfect candidate..if you stick to it you would feel a Hell of a difference.

The tiread all the time is your system slowing down..joint/nerve damage is the low circulation in your extremities..

If we adjust some little bits and add some alkalisers into your diet so we can get you a little would feel the difference..then we could work on getting you right up there...get full benefit...:thumbs:

This is very unusual for me to be sick like this.

I haven't had a chance to See what a virus does to the PH..but I have to say that is quite shocking.
My lowest was 5.3 ph and I was ill.

My worry is the stress of work or Anything atm could lower that even are at a dangerous level.
If you were still that bad I would suggest the doctor..simply because they know what is effective against Virus's..there are some odd ones that hit healthy people harder than sickies..
so I would have a double check on it.

When you get Nothing..absolutely nowt..keep warm and drink lots then re-test...
Also... yesterday when my pH was that low I had an awful stone in my throat. As my pH rose, the feeling started to go away, and is gone this morning.
This might sound kinda dumb:confused:Does time of day have anything to do with Ph levels at all. Probably just how you eat throughout the day, right? The only reason I asked is because, I wake up at 1:00AM for work. I start at 2:30Am. Then it is full blown lifted boxes for 7 hours or so. Curious because I heard that no matter how long you are used to the schedule, your body never fully adjusts to that being normal hours. :smokebuds:
Your ph does fluctuate during the day and I only measure first thing in the morning and right before bed. Also as for your schedule, your body will naturally try to link itself to whatever the seasonal schedule is to obtain as much sunlight as possible. I highly recommend taking D3 if you are already not. Here is the kicker though. Just like your plants if your body isnt in the correct ph range the uptake of vitamins is a very small percentage if any at all. You become deficient and it manifests itself in many ways like lack of energy and cloudyness all the time. Also D3 and D in general is a must have supplement for arthritis along with magnesium as well :2cents:
Your ph does fluctuate during the day and I only measure first thing in the morning and right before bed. Also as for your schedule, your body will naturally try to link itself to whatever the seasonal schedule is to obtain as much sunlight as possible. I highly recommend taking D3 if you are already not. Here is the kicker though. Just like your plants if your body isnt in the correct ph range the uptake of vitamins is a very small percentage if any at all. You become deficient and it manifests itself in many ways like lack of energy and cloudyness all the time. Also D3 and D in general is a must have supplement for arthritis along with magnesium as well :2cents:
The man knows what he's talking about!
I am off work for the next week so it is going to be very relaxing!
Going to spend a lot of time in my garden, may even put a chair in their and talk to the ladies!

Looking into h202 therapy at the moment!
Much appreciated for your insight DubV..I acutally am taking NatureMade Vitamin D made with D3 at 2000I.U. My dr, says alot of people that live up north and northeast lack Vitamin D due to the sun is quite as strong as down south and so. I am vitamin D deficient. So you are right on the money my friend. I would rep ya again, but I already did for that awesome WOS grow. Thanks much family:hug:Im gonna have to find me an office job.:crack:
Your ph does fluctuate during the day and I only measure first thing in the morning and right before bed. Also as for your schedule, your body will naturally try to link itself to whatever the seasonal schedule is to obtain as much sunlight as possible. I highly recommend taking D3 if you are already not. Here is the kicker though. Just like your plants if your body isnt in the correct ph range the uptake of vitamins is a very small percentage if any at all. You become deficient and it manifests itself in many ways like lack of energy and cloudyness all the time. Also D3 and D in general is a must have supplement for arthritis along with magnesium as well :2cents:
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