PH Testing

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TFFT..erock couldn't even have resucitated you at those PH counts....:D..I wonder if we can get a virtual defribrilator for use in emergencies.

When your body hits PH levels like That you Must stop all physical activities.

If anyone else gets unlucky and gets a me a PH check..

the one I'm looking for is the Common Cold/body flu..
feeling wooly headed..achey painey..congested..bone pain..

This is the one I Think is just a sign to say you are slipping into acidosis..if we recognise these can PH the symptoms out..

There is no coincidence the Cold/flu pandemics normally happen when natural light/cold conditions put you body PH at its lowest natural level...:wiz:
Okay, the wonderful Internet strikes again!
What are everyone's thoughts on this?

I'd say the Brilliant thing about the PH diet is that you can Feel..and See if you monitor your PH..

If people can do that..they stick to it.....

I Must get arcticsun to come visit..tell you the difference it has made to his life..turn around time approx 3 months..and it totally changed his life...:thumbs:
6.2 today. :pee:Gonna check it again sometime before the day ends. I am off work for the next three days:dance:. Would try to relax, but got my sick kids for those days.
Hey Auntie, would it be beneficial to you , to check my sons Ph, he is sick as hell. He is only 5, not sure if that young would help or not.:smokebuds: My daughter is also sick, but I dont know how that aim works for her peeing in a cup:crying:Let me know and I will have him pee in a cup and check it.
Just found this while researching the use of lemons and their healing properties! water.htm

Now I kow why my mom is so fit and active at 65!!!
She has been doing this for years, but she has her own lemon tree in the garden...
I have to resort to store bought lemons.
Real good post new year im going to start taking better care of myself to affect my mind because i look fine but dont feel it.
is lemon an alkali or acid? I like the idea or a lemon water drink daily to clean my system but will lemons make my PH more acidic?

I did a google search and found at

"Alkaline and cancer- Cancer can not exist in an alklaine enviornment. Why this is not publically known is a mystery. Why there are websites refuting the fact are criminal in this authors opeinion. My terminal cancer was cured within days of maintaining an alklaine body ph."
Lemons are acidic but work as an alkaline in your body.

Read post#95 for more in depth info.