PH Plan Quick Start

Little Homework for the Techies who want to know How the BS gives you the Oxygen Energy Boost in your blood....:thumbs:

Hypoxemia or what might be called “blocked oxidation,” is followed by fermentation of sugar in cells, which then leads to the primary condition upon which cancer, infectious and inflammatory processes feed.
Viruses are “anaerobic” creatures which thrive in the absence of oxygen. Yeast, mold and fungus live in an anaerobic environment.
Most strains of harmful bacteria (and cancer cells) are anaerobic and are not comfortable in the presence of higher oxygen levels so doctors will find cancer cells easier to kill when oxygen levels are increased.

What they did not guess at is that O2 levels can be dramatically increased by the simple administration of sodium bicarbonate.

Increasing Co2 levels through the use of sodium bicarbonate is good in cancer treatment because bicarbonate drives up CO2 levels in the blood, which increases oxygenation to the cells
....:thumbs:...there you Go...

There are many homeostatic adaptation responses that fight to maintain pH balance but the principle one is using high pH bodily fluids such as water as a solvent to neutralize acid residues. The second greatest resistance the body puts up against dropping pH is pulling bicarbonate from the pancreas and kidneys into the blood as an alkalizing agent. Bicarbonate ions are generated from carbon dioxide and diffuse into the plasma. Then there are other levels of protection but when they are all overwhelmed the end result is accumulated acid residues at the cellular level that drown out oxygen.
The missus, 7.1 and 7.1 today. "Bailers Booya" I asked her how she was feeling. "Better with the moods, more mellow"
Asked about her energy (please note: I'm trying to keep her good vibe going, so questions are very non-NOW, just kinda tossed out there).

"No, not really any more energy. Oh, I did an hour of advanced yoga last night, for the first time in months."
"So you have more energy?"

" Oh, wow! Yeah, I guess I do!" That's my gal. I owe you all.

So Simple when you Know HOW...:thumbs:..Stoked for you is not much to Ask to feel Healthy and Happy is it...?

BS for the Energy and mag for the flexibility should improve the yoga no end....:Ohmmm.......:..OhhhmmmMMM.....

Welcome aboard Mr ganjamoto ..

Let us know your guys with the Good eating plan are normally Very Fast to Fix if it is low...:thumbs:

The King is without doubt a fine and mighty specimen as a whole but has recently been suffering from a general lack of energy

Sounds Typical of a lack of oxygen..but..your PH will let you know for definite.

And guess what, I'm had slept so good as never before
Deep refreshing Sleep is the Best Medicine known to man...:grin:..IMO..

Same here but there is a little bad news in my case. My wife takes anti
pregnancy pill and that's sux. Ph from 7.5 to 5 for 3 hours, than it rise

WOW..that is a shocker..:no:...we need to remember that one when we are dealing with the young ladies...Cheers komach...:tiphat:

Yeah krug..Welcome Aboard...:thumbs:..Spot On with the schedule...Good will Feel a Big Difference coming from that PH..

Hey everyone.Ive had a seriously nasty couple of days.But as promised these
were my PH numbers from morning,noon,and night for the last two days.Not sure if
the low numbers go with my MS,but I find it odd that they are lower than
usual.Cause of Pain and MS?My diett hasnt changed a all.

day before
yesterday 6.2-6.4-6.8 morning thru evening.

Yesterday 6.1-6.5-6.9
morning thru eveninng.

On a simple plus and minus scale Pain counts as stress and stress lowers your PH..
Lowering your PH will probably kick the MS symptoms off..they are you start in ever decreasing circles until your head pops up your own bum..:grin:..

Fingers Crossed you get a weekend Lift...:thumbs:

Eek Root..Duggy..Oldster..have a great weekend Buds...:Sharing One:all the Help much everyone with an Oxygen Rush...:woohoo:
Hello everyone.Still doing the whole body in a lot of pain thing.Its been a battle to stay within the specified PH levels.I take 1/2 teaspoon every 8 hours.Today(got new batteries for meter) my range was decent.Been having a long bout of my MS flare ups.Since(imho) either already being in pain or having a flare up,everything I have is put into overdrive it seems.anywho,ttoday I ranged from 6.9-7.0-7.1-7.1-7.1. do you think I could increase my BS intake?to what?maybe 2/3 or 3/4 teaspoon?Its really kind of a wierd mix actually.on one hand my body is racked with pain,yet some days in my mind Im a touch more free I guess you could say.but some of the time the pain just seems to take most or all of the good out of tthe feel good properties of BS.LOL!this week it should relax some.usually does.just in time to test my herbs.
The king would like to proclaim the magnificent royal penis has been siphoned in order to harvest some golden nectar for pH testing... and the results are as follows:

On waking 0930hrs pH 5.2
At 1200hrs pH 6.1
At 1600hrs pH 7.1

The king consumed 1/3 tsp of BS (baking soda) at 0930 hrs and the same amount again at 1600hrs.

The king would like to enquire as to what is the recommended window of consumption both pre and post royal banquet for the BS elixir in-order to not interfere with the royal digestion....

Regally yours

Mr the king Jorilla ganjamoto.
Mr King

An houir before the feast, or two hours afterwards is what is reccomended.

Hope that helps


Predicting Heart Attacks—Doctors Don’t Have a Clue

Too often, people pass a cardiac checkup only to collapse with a heart
attack days later. Today’s best tests can’t predict when that’s about to
happen, or can they? If a doctor orders a magnesium cellular test (as opposed
to a blood serum test) he can have a good idea what’s in store for the patient
if those levels are too low.

But who needs a test? Any physician worth his weight in salt just has to
ask a few questions to know. Do you eat white rice, white bread, white sugar,
white pasta and/or white salt? If you do eat this type of diet, know that there
is a 100% chance that you are deficient in magnesium! Why are these foods
white? Because all the minerals have been taken out, that’s why!

Using sodium bicarbonate to brush ones teeth or use it as an emergency room
medicine or as a quick and very inexpensive cancer treatment with the power to
affect the body’s alkalinity in the same positive direction in days that it
would take weeks and months to get to with raw foods is simply good medicine.
And it does not send up sodium or blood pressure levels because it is not the
type of sodium (sodium chloride) that we have to be careful about. Refined
table salt is harmful in high amounts and should be replaced with unrefined
Real Salt, Celtic Salt or Himalayan salt.
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Timely post Aunty, I was just wondering about the sodium intake from the BS.

FYI, I had run out of the olive leaf capsules that I had first purchased and this time purchased Swanson's 500 mg olive leaf extract instead. Wow what a difference. I have been 7.4 when I wake up the last few days and 8.1 in the afternoon and feeling an energy boost (and yes just calibrated my meter so I know the numbers are good). The wife is back on track also now that I am handing her the BS to drink!
No sugar or soda is fine, I do not do a whole lot of processed sugar. Is natural sugar ok? apples/oranges and the like? I cant live without my fruit!!! It is what keeps me off of processed sugar!!!
Hello all. There was a dr. on the dr. Oz show the other day talking about his book Wheat Belly that is very interesting.

I don't know how to post videos yet. So if some one can help me out and post them for us It would be helpfull. I think they fit in with what we are talking about here.

My understanding is the more wheat you eat the lower your PH will be.

@eye of Fire. I would be intersted to know if your bad days with MS correspond with increased wheat consumption.

To help post videos for me, search YouTube for Dr Oz wheat belly. There are four I think.