PH Plan Quick Start

I love it! :d5:
Even after a long couple of days, a week of snow, rain and no sun, my pH is holding strong. Mid 6's in the AM, between 7.3 and 7.5 in the evenings. Even when I'm exhausted from work, it's a "good" kind of exhaustion, if that makes any sense.
My big, happy news: The missus started with the BS on Tuesday, 6.1 in the evening. She opted for 1/2 tsp, twice a day. Yest. morning she tested 5.7, last night 6.9! :coffee2:
I can't wait 'til she gets home for an update. I seems a bit odd, I want the missus to hurry home so she can pee in a cup. :grin: :rofl:If her folks only knew....

Congratulations on your progress RR, that's great. This thread is making peeing in a cup a new couples activity.
Congratulations on your progress RR, that's great. This thread is making peeing in a cup a new couples activity.
The missus, 7.1 and 7.1 today. "Bailers Booya"
I asked her how she was feeling. "Better with the moods, more mellow"
Asked about her energy (please note: I'm trying to keep her good vibe going, so questions are very non-NOW, just kinda tossed out there).
"No, not really any more energy. Oh, I did an hour of advanced yoga last night, for the first time in months."
"So you have more energy?"

" Oh, wow! Yeah, I guess I do!"
That's my gal. I owe you all.
When your pH is continuously between 6.75 in the morning and 7.5 by the evening, you�re functioning within a healthy range, as best readings from saliva and urine pH strips are slightly alkaline at a level of 7.43.
Today my first day I woke up with 6.8 :fire:"Bailers Booya":woohoo:. And guess what, I'm had slept so good as never before (however was to feet to sleep yesterday, but good read (thanks Aunty) sorted it), I'm so feet in the morning. Before it was hell to me to wake up before 11 am.... Seeping green thee and in a couple minutes my ph will be 7.3!
I love it!
I seems a bit odd, I want the missus to hurry home so she can pee in a cup. If her folks only knew....
Same here but there is a little bad news in my case. My wife takes anti pregnancy pill and that's sux. Ph from 7.5 to 5 for 3 hours, than it rise (with help of bc of course....)
Even after a long couple of days, a week of snow, rain and no sun, my pH is holding strong.
Even after a long couple of days, a week of snow, rain and no sun, my mood holding strong.(the sentence is almost the same as yours )
Even when I'm exhausted from work, it's a "good" kind of exhaustion, if that makes any sense.
++++ And I did gym yesterday at ~15 pm. At 20pm I was already recovered from it + wanted more!.

Happy valentines day to all! (with enough oxygen it will be unforgettable)
Morning all! Decided t`give it a @9.30am 5.8, took 1/3 teaspoon bs in 8oz water. I will repeat this afternoon and then before sleep. Is this the correct schedule? :Sharing One:
Morning all! Decided t`give it a @9.30am 5.8, took 1/3 teaspoon bs in 8oz water. I will repeat this afternoon and then before sleep. Is this the correct schedule?
Check your ph on 2nd pee after you took bc.(this way it will be most accurate). Taking bc without ph monitoring is not so effective as you don't know if it helps and how much it helps.
I test my PH almost everytime I go to be honest.To see where it fades,how long it lasts,things like that.Prolly not necessart bu thats what I do. Welcome to the Program Krug!!:tiphat:

Hey everyone.Ive had a seriously nasty couple of days.But as promised these were my PH numbers from morning,noon,and night for the last two days.Not sure if the low numbers go with my MS,but I find it odd that they are lower than usual.Cause of Pain and MS?My diett hasnt changed a all.

day before yesterday 6.2-6.4-6.8 morning thru evening.

Yesterday 6.1-6.5-6.9 morning thru eveninng.

Since there has been a ton of pain and other pain issues related tto and not related to MS.I guess this could explain lower numbers to a degree?My PH meter ran outta batteries.LMAO!Mustve left it on.ill buy new ones today(AG13 button cell).I went to tes for my morning dose n saw it had no juice to turn on,bummer,LOL!
the King thinks this is a very interesting thread.....

In my cycle racing days I used to bicarb load the day before and morning of the race and the effects were pretty miraculous..... Allowing work at maximum (age adjusted) heart rate for the duration of the race without blowing out.... As mentioned in the thread though upset "stomach" for several days was the price paid.... The extra available energy though was amazing....

The King is without doubt a fine and mighty specimen as a whole but has recently been suffering from a general lack of energy which has been put down to a disintegrating amalgam.... the amalgams will be drilled and replaced in the next couple of months by a bio dentist and replaced with something a bit less toxic....

Have started taking Zinc and Magnesium amino acid chelates.... and I'll start to follow this program too bicarb wise see if that gives an energy boost...

An analysis of the Kings diet has revealed more than optimal levels of all the vitamins and minerals and is high in alkalising food stuffs...

Start in the morning.....

Thanks Aunty for making this knowledge available....
Have started taking Zinc and Magnesium amino acid chelates.... and I'll start to follow this program too bicarb wise see if that gives an energy boost...
You need magnesium flakes. (they will help you a lot better)
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Just let us get our hands on you Mr. Gangamoto, we will make you better.

We got just the thing, just let Root66 whip ya up a little potion, you will be on your way, lol, jk. Yes I recommend the BS to better your PH. We are a lot like the plants, yes?

Hope to see more.

