PH Plan Quick Start

guess who's ready to join the party... we went out tonight and I meant to buy some baking soda and got to the storea and forgot to get it... guess that's what happens when you smoke before shopping lol so tomorrow we begin.

Mossy do we do the baking soda and Mag flakes? Just curious on how to begin and what we all need to take... :Sharing One::Gary:
Mossy do we do the baking soda and Mag flakes? Just curious on how to begin and what we all need to take...
Start first monitoring your ph and try to mantain it with baking soda/bicarbonat (BC). After couple of day on 7+, try to make some spray (MG spray), check couple of pages back for receipt :d5::Sharing One:.

I'm officially addicted to MG spray! And ph checking every day.

BTW Aunty : will the correct ph cure 'Gout' not :Gary: but Gout. father in law(father of my wife) is suffering from it and doc told he need to take mediation his whole life.... I would be glad to help him out :Sharing One:
guess who's ready to join the party... we went out tonight and I meant to buy some baking soda and got to the storea and forgot to get it... guess that's what happens when you smoke before shopping lol so tomorrow we begin.
Ha ha Rebel..I was gonna ask in Mods if Lady Reb was going on the PH Plan..I could See you tracking all the homework by the Likes.

Hand on Heart..if your Lady's PH is Low..this will Help..even with the extent of her injuries...:thumbs:...and Combined with the RSO...
You should See a World of difference with her.

Mossy do we do the baking soda and Mag flakes? Just curious on how to begin
and what we all need to take...

Normally Reb we would suggest the BS only for 4-7 days so we can See the adjustment we get with BS only..
But..your Lady really Needs the magnesium as Fast as possible..
rubbed into her back and neck 3-4 times a day.

If she is on her own a spray and rub will help..but a gentle massage seems to get more penetration.
Do you have a Bath Reb..?

How far off being able to produce the RSO...?

was right at 6.4.after my dose it had only risen to 6.8,yet some of the
discomfort has lessened as it did some days
EoF..could you try upping your last does of BS to a Half a teaspoon..just to see if we can get you some sleep..?

When you get your mag delivery......use you first application on a Night time after you have had the half teaspoon of BS ..when you are about ready for will probably wipe you out.

A BATH in it would be the Best/highest first dose..:Mag soak:...full body spray if not.

BTW Aunty : will the correct ph cure 'Gout' not :Gary: but Gout. father in law(father of my wife) is suffering from it and
doc told he need to take mediation his whole life.... I would be glad to help
him out

Off the top of me head Yes..but would need checked.
As far as I can remember gout crystal are acidic..
go to Search to see if he has any confirmation of it...:thumbs:
get him some Tonic Water..something about the quinine seems to dissolve them it is worth a shot at.

This is great stuff

You can Feel us coming together as a Team Musturd..many tentacles coming together.."astros Wink wink.."..I said Tentacles..

Together..we is One Hot Med Team...:Say Ahhhhhhh:
Off the top of me head Yes..but would need checked.
As far as I can remember gout crystal are acidic..
go to Search to see if he has any confirmation of it...
get him some Tonic Water..something about the quinine seems to dissolve them it is worth a shot at.
Yes his crystals are acide. And it is confirmed! What you mean by tonic water?
Schweppes Indian tonic use it as a Mixer in alcohol...Think Gin & Tonic...
Beneficial for his illness? or it has high ph?
Thank you again.

BTW : my ph tend to drop at night by 1. Maybe I suffer from double personality and at night when I think I'm slipping I'm out to the party for drink? :xlaugh:
Understanding Symptoms

Are you preventing a symptom, or just repeatedly relieving yourself from it?
Ever-increasing pressures in life lead us to quick fixes regarding our health issues. 90 per cent of medicines just alleviate our symptoms, allowing us to cope. No wonder such illnesses like cancer have increased over the years to nearly 1 in 3 people. Most medicines are improving the way we hide our symptoms.
How long until the underlying problem becomes chronic and turns into something more serious?
How serious are your symptoms?

Scientists and doctors have found that over 150 degenerative diseases are linked to acidity, such as thrush, bacterial vaginosis (BV), cystitis, pruritus ani (itchy anus), herpes, gout/arthritis plus cancer and many more.

Acidic pH 5 to 6

  • Poor digestion of food
  • Low immune system, increased possibility of illness
  • Less oxygen circulating around the body
  • Increased fat storage
  • Less cell rejuvenation
  • Optimum breeding ground for bacteria
  • Depression
  • Decreased energy levels
  • Organs over stressed
  • Possible muscle bone wastage
Alkaline pH 6 to 7

  • More energy
  • Immune system working at optimum level to fight disease and illness
  • Increased absorption of nutrients
  • Less fat storage
  • Stronger hair, skin and nails
  • Healthier mental state of mind
  • Increase your body’s oxygen
  • Organs working at comfortable and optimum levels
When your pH is continuously between 6.75 in the morning and 7.5 by the evening, you’re functioning within a healthy range, as best readings from saliva and urine pH strips are slightly alkaline at a level of 7.43.
I love it! :d5:
Even after a long couple of days, a week of snow, rain and no sun, my pH is holding strong. Mid 6's in the AM, between 7.3 and 7.5 in the evenings. Even when I'm exhausted from work, it's a "good" kind of exhaustion, if that makes any sense.
My big, happy news: The missus started with the BS on Tuesday, 6.1 in the evening. She opted for 1/2 tsp, twice a day. Yest. morning she tested 5.7, last night 6.9! :coffee2:
I can't wait 'til she gets home for an update. I seems a bit odd, I want the missus to hurry home so she can pee in a cup. :grin: :rofl:If her folks only knew....