Great Work can just feel us coming together as a Med Focused Team...:kusht::kusht::kusht:..we will move Mountains..
Got the missus to take her first mag bath awhile ago. She came home tonight dragging, frustrated and depressed.
She took her first pH test (6.1), and her first dose of BS!
Well Done RR...4 days and You are going to Appreciate it...

..just for the Mood Lift.
And..hey..if the Energy Surge makes her horney....:Sssssmokin: are just going to have to Sacrifice yourself....:stoneslap:..the things we have to do for this PH Trial....:no:
Just wanted tto give ya a small update. took my late evening dose earlier and
tested it after about an hour or so.I was right at 7.3
PH Positive...:Sharing One:..I'll smoke to That...
:tiphat:..Way to Go EoF......
More like your Old Self...Before illness..?
eventhought the past few days have been ones of the bigtime sleepy tired
feeling from MS,BUT,Im still alert and not truly out
Right..this is my Opinion only...
the chronic diseases where you have cyclical bad patches..flare MS..Arthritis..
the flare ups correspond with a low PH level..I've Watched them..I have my Theory..if I'm right..we can Preven the worst of the flare ups or alkalise them out..
to start to Prove it..I need you to Check your PH when you feel the MS symptoms kick in...
IF you would do would be Very Important for the Program...:thumbs:..coz I haven't had an MS sufferer with a PH meter before.
I felt fantastic.had energy,was sharp and it just felt great all around
How many Days on BS...?
How many Years with MS...?
Chronic sickies start to give up Hope that anything can Help..they become Cynical..
I want people to realise how Fast..with very little massive Lifestyle great monetary outlay we can Start turning things around...:thumbs:
Even if they have been sick for many years.
Once you get above PH7..if we can Maintain will feel more and more Improvements as your own body systems start to kick in again..
Well Done Bro..:tiphat: