Just to note.... my neck looks nothing like these.....
Yeah..I Know..they always show the Worst cases..but it gives you the idea...
Higher than the thyroid glands, presumably the lymph nodes??
Looks Likely..Good Luck at the Docs...:thumbs:
It gets to the point, not that it's impossible to swallow, but just
uncomfortable. The same feeling you get when you neck a drink and get an air
bubble caught halfway down. Swallowing pills is a nightmare.
This again comes back to mag..my S-I-L got it and the Docs said it was her RArthritis getting into her neck..but I picked it up in the mag homework..
I used to get a nerve block through my throat into the spinal nerves..they tapped an air bubble once..it was like trying to swallow a pill in mid air..but in your throat..it was FO Weird..
They paralysed a tastebud once as well and anything Raspberry tasted like dirty drain water...that was trippy too...
yeah got the whole extra fun purge starting.no such thing as a test
fart.LMFAO!!Im gonna chuckle over that for a few days.
When the Urge Hits...remember this..RR got his first Urge when he was 70 ft up a pole..

..imagine trying to grip on a pole with your knees until That passed.
How is it possible the majority of humanity is suffering with a magnesium
deficiency... How's that come about. There has to be a cause for all of this....
Because nobody but nobody has made us AWARE of it.....:thumbs:..most peole if they are sick will have a bit of knowledge about Vitamins..
but..the Minerals are the Fat Controllers.."astros Wink wink.."..get the Minerals in Balance..and the Vitamins will come into line.
When our girls PH goes too low we don't say well they need B Vitamins..vitC..and have a vit D deficiency do we...?
We correct the Minerals..and we don't have to Worry about the Vits...
Blinded by Science again Huh...?......:toke toking:
The other thing...go Look at the Diseases associated With mag deficiency....hmm..some of the most widespread and costly diseases that you can get...
IF I WAS CYNICAL..I'D SAY...it is not very cost effective to either Prevent or Cure them...

..you would put the Pharma Companies out of Business..wouldn't you.
But,,make your Own Mind up..that is why I'm saying..Bear in Mind..this is a deficiency of Magnesium..one of the Commonest Mineral deficiencies you will Find..
and all these Chronic Illnesses are associated with it..:dunno:..so How Come I spent YEARS of homework having to make my Own Connections..?
Why didn't a Health Professional make me Aware of it...?...if a Gardener knows more about our Basic Health by the way we Nurture our Girls..it makes you Scared to go to the Doctors huh....
Villain..I'm your Aunty not your Doc..

H Reading..?:..so if a weekend on the Drink is your Normal routine..like most of the UK..I Need to know your PH from it.
I'm not here to Stop your FUN...I'm here to try to Balance up for you.
If you have a rough weekend..we just alkalise up a bit more..:thumbs:
Larky..although you are Reasonable..if we could get you Up a PH point you would really Feel a benefit....BUT..maybe check with your Doc first..and go for maybe Half a teaspoon spread over the day..just say it is for indigestion..
That Might just be enough on it's own to get you up to the PH 7 area.
Yeah..coz you have More Energy...you will Use it someway.....if you get past
the Sex and fancy the Spring Cleaning..I'll give you My Home Address....
Show me a man who is housework OCD and I'll show you my Next Husband...

..I'll Cure him....Slowly.....