New Grower Perpetual Harvest with Autos - Indoor LED to Outdoor - 3x Simultaneous Grows

Grow 2 still has 1 AK and 1 Critical Purple finishing up.

Grow 3 is 2 Haze XL and 1 Kush XL which are preflowering.

Grow 4 which is 2x Candy Kush and 2x Sour Kush is outside.

Grow 5 which is 5x White Widow (feminized photos) is germinated and under the lights already. Got the germination situation figured out hell yeha.

It gets easier from here :thanks::spels:
As a teen, I use to pull those suckers off of tobacco plants and tomatoes! They get HUGE on tobacco!
:slap: here's a shot of rep on your harvest! :headbang:
Finally sprayed some BT last night after ripping a couple more worms out. Most buds were still a little wet in the morning. Did a mega inspection of the remaining CP and luckily didn't find much. I wish the remaining CP and AK would finish so I could rip em out of there. It's crazy how much better they look after the last feeding.

After having a lot of germination problems all of the White Widow seeds were good and popped up on the same day. I am slowly getting this all figured out. If I had just tried to do one batch of photos over the year I think it would have resulted in disaster! One thing I'm realizing I did "wrong" with the WWs was to start them so late, it's really only going to give them minimal veg time. I am alright with that though as I only have so much space to work with and the greenhouse is not very tall. Wish I had more land to work with or a job in the industry, but land is expensive and the jobs that I saw didn't pay all that well.
As I ween off the pre-July 1st "medical" grade weed I bought for $100/oz, surely coated with fungicides/pesticides and who knows what else, all anxiety slowly fades as I vaporize the AK and reality sets in that I've grown enough to get me by and treat what ails me thanks to these autoflowers, sunlight, and the help of those here.

Grow2 AK5 (blurry) looks to have 2+ weeks to go, too much veg nutes

Grow2 CP5 another week or so, significant mite damage on nearly all leaves (controlled by ladybugs?) lost several colas to worms/rot

Grow3 Kush XL instead of continuing veg nutes, I realized they wanted bloom nutes

Grow 3 Haze XL1

Grow3 Haze XL2

Grow4 Sour Kush 1+2, about 5 weeks

Grow4 Candy Kush 1+2, ready for training

Grow5 5x White Widow (photoperiod) last grow of the season, middle one is getting blasted 2x 350w LED

Stash curing pic, each jar is around 20-30g of leafy prematurely harvested bud, have another half lb distributed legally to those in need

So far I would consider this fairly successful, slowly getting it all figured out. Smell has not been a problem since the carbon filter went in the greenhouse. I am thinking for next season that doing 6x 3gallon grows might be better than doing 5gallon grow bags, because the roots I've been pulling are not very substantial. This is provided that I would be able and SURE to water EVERY day with slow drip. Just jerry rigged most my drip together so maybe next year it's something I could RELY on... :warrior:
I've made a pretty rookie mistake, CP5 is covered with I think spider mites! And it has been for weeks. Thought it was under control by releasing ladybugs but man I could just see the thing crawling with the mites. It never got to the point of buds being taken over but there was significant leaf damage. Defoliated it a bit and blasted it with water. I should honestly get that plant out of there but luckily it has not spread yet. Going to try and hold out for a proper harvest.

Critical Purple is BANNED from the greenhouse! Bud rot, bud worms, spider mites -- this strain has NOT been happy here! Hope I have better luck with the kush.
Hey bro, haven't been able to go through your whole journal yet. But @archie gemmill linked me over here. I've had some of the same caterpillar problems as you. Last year they ate a whole plant and some. so I fill your pain..This year I used this ( see pic) and it worked great. Start early in flower and hit them every two weeks or so. Seems safe enough from what I read. Great looking plants keep it up!
yup butterflies and moths, the caterpillars/worms will chomp a whole plant with ease.
Yeah I went with the Monterey, got the BT but could benefit from a general spray, not sure if they are the same thing but will look for that next time. Sprayed at dusk a couple weeks ago and haven't seen any more worms. My plan was also to spray every 2 weeks. Battling I think spider mites on my final Critical Purple which I'm allowing to finish up, hopefully that won't wind up being a really bad idea. Found a trace amount of white mold in one of the curing Critical Purple jars, probably from not burping often enough, removed the tiny bit I saw and will let it sit and see what happens. Man I haven't caught a break with this strain. Better to figure it out on a 100% indica on a little plant rather than dealing with it for the first time on a massive fall harvest.