New Grower Perpetual Harvest with Autos - Indoor LED to Outdoor - 3x Simultaneous Grows

I have Caterpillar issues every year and use BT preemptively and it works great. I hit them about once a month just to be on the safe side in case in case there's a stray sucker. I learned the hard way this yr don't grow too close to your tomatoes... I lost about 5 seedlings to those F'rs overnight.
Haven't used the BT yet but the one I use is similar( forgot the name), it's a bacteria or emyzime I think. that kills them once they eat it. Seems to last for about a month from what I can tell but by then their starting to chomp again. Every two or three weeks has been safe timing for me. Will have it on hand every year from now on.
Here's the weather forecast, same weather all damn Summer! STILL waiting on CP5 and AK5 so I can chop them at the same time. Grow 3 is looking awesome even though it's just 3 plants. Grow 4 is 4 plants and grow 5 is 5 plants. Kind of silly how that worked out :weed:

Finally finished grow 2 with AK 5 and CP 5. The CP looked at its peak and the spider mites really messed up its leaves, but hardly any webbing so the buds were fine. The AK wanted to go on for another few weeks it looked like (these were already weeks behind the others of the same grow). I'm glad I took the AK down though because the budworms got to it pretty good, but didn't end up losing that much. Looks like it will be around 2-3 oz off each plant but they were pretty grubby and got sprayed with BT a couple weeks before chop.

AK 5

Critical Purple 5, not going to grow this again, had a lot of trouble with it:deadhorse: the small branching buds are very nice looking
Wanted to hit the greenhouse with BT foliar spray last night but ran out of time. Now I'm glad I didn't because there is wild fire ash everywhere today. The ash would probably stick to everything if it was wet. You can shake it off the plants pretty easily actually, looks like white fly almost but no it's ash. Doesn't matter that the greenhouse is screened in it still gets everywhere.
Holy fuck even with the BT the bud worms continue to be a big problem. Lost almost half of one of the Haze XL even with multiple sprayings. Need to keep them sprayed on strict timing, 3 weeks between sprays was too much. Will try 2 weeks. Next year I need to look into properly sealing the greenhouse (including the ground) or getting a new one. Speaking of the 2 Haze XL and the 1 Kush XL the colas look fantastic. I topped the Kush XL accidentally and it's coming in like a proper bush with no training really required. I think I would prefer to top all the plants because in my training efforts I wind up with a big mess of colas sticking out the top of the plant with too dense of foliage. These are pretty close to done. Luckily the worms didn't get to the other 2 plants from this grow. Signs of small nute burn, mites, bites taken from leaves, black spot mold.

The 2 Candy Kush and 2 Sour Kush I flipped to flower nutes finally. Feeling like I should have topped these. Bent the tops over and did some LST but they are filling in kind of gangly. I find it so much easier to manage a shrub shape then to get crazy with training. I dunno if all the auto strains would take well to topping though.

The photo White Widows are growing insanely fast. Still in veg but might go out next week. Think I will top the tallest ones as they are getting too close to the LED.

The fires are not done, largest fire in California history :hothot: Been smoking AK 1, man it is just so smooth and calming. Pure relaxation.
I'll have some more pictures this week, I'm posting to try to put in perspective all the simultaneous grows. The WW will be the last grow of the year unless I decide to do indoor but I don't think so as I can't afford all the equipment. And I have a lot of bud already:jointman:

Easily managed 5 separate grows that will finish up in time, I think I could do 6 grows next year if I simply start a month earlier like mid March I guess. It's all about the climate.
its a shame all your hard work wasnt fully rewarded,and the bastard butterflies made you work harder to boot :wall:
top job :thumbsup:
Grow 3 I thought would be done this week but isn't really looking like it. At least a couple weeks out probably.

Haze XL 1 - this is the one with worms, quite a lot of tops missing

Haze XL 2 - very leafy looks a week behind the 1st

Kush XL - I really like the lack of training here, topped accidentally at preflower but bushed out nicely
Keep pulling dead buds off Haze XL 1. Finding eggs. Mites on Kush XL. Wondering if I should spray Spinosad on them now. They are still a week or two out. Problem is lots of cloudy humid weather in the forecast. Don't want to risk molding these plants out. Battling powdery mildew elsewhere in the garden.

The White Widow are growing much more vigorously than any of the autos, but not flowering as quickly as I would have thought. Hoping they all finish before November.

At this point I've discontinued using the veg tent but might use it for a round of herbs and peppers and some other fall crops. I had great success with it and am glad I set it up earlier this year because it didn't cost all that much for what it achieves. I don't really have a heat source and it's just a small 2x4' tent so I don't see a point in running it over the winter.

Need to probably put another fan up outside. More and more I'm wishing I had a properly sealed greenhouse. It would make life so much easier. Considering building a proper one but they are in the process of changing all the laws around so I guess I better wait. Looks like they are trying to force everyone to buy expensive permits. I don't recommend this PE mesh material, it's disintegrating after less than a year of use and there are plastic particles everywhere.

My first big regret this year is not trying any of the photo CBD strains from the same seed supplier. I don't think they have any CBD autos so that means not until next Fall unless I figure out the perfect timing to do some photos in the Spring. Kind of tired of slaving over the garden at this point and need to find simpler solutions to things like watering and feeding. Ah well I am slowly figuring it all out and dialing it in.
Here's how all the White Widows look from Grow 5, in pre-flower but no signs of budding yet:

Sour Kush 1 and 2 from Grow 4

Candy Kush 1 and 2 from Grow 4