New Grower Perpetual Harvest with Autos - Indoor LED to Outdoor - 3x Simultaneous Grows

Holy fuck I'm glad I pulled both the Critical Purples, the damage was way more extensive than I realized. On the one plant I probably threw out over 2/3rds of it. Lost every single top cola except one, and I'm sure there's a fucking worm chilling somewhere in that one too. I don't know how there were so many damn eggs, could be moths getting in there at night.

Luckily I saved most of the other purple CP! Even if I did pull it early and didn't really flush. It did have a few grody buds but I only lost 5-10%. When I say lost, again I could have cleaned it and used almost all of it, but they are of very low value considering the plants were pulled early without flush.

I'm trying to look at the bright side here, it's painful tearing the plants apart and trashing buds but I'm still just trying to learn and only want the good shit. Even with the amount I threw out from bud rot on the first 4 plants from grow [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] they still produced more than expected. But then again according to the seed supplier I should be able to get much more weight for an outdoor grow.

Here's the purple Critical Purple, man I really wanted to let this one ride it out another couple weeks but by chopping it early I saved it. This one is different from the others that were getting purple leaves I think from the cold.
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Here is the Critical Purple that had worm damage in all the top colas. This thing was hulking since the beginning and it's too bad. The trichomes on the leaves were starting to turn amber. Too bad I threw out 66-75% of this thing. This was my best looking plant by a long shot, but let's see what happens with the AKs that are still going from grow [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]
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Friggin worms!!!! Man, this sucks bud!! @Waira can you suggest something to keep worms out of the bud. I get a few budworms each season, but nothing like this!! One this i do find interesting is some plants/strains seem to get them ad some dont. Pay close attention to plants that don't get them(or get less). Sometimes you have to choose your strains around your issues, and you will only learn the issues as you grow.
:smoking: @archie gemmill .. bud 'worms" is indeed a misnomer mate, they are in fact caterpillars,....:cuss: ----- Perpet, I feel your pain! :doh: ... i only get them late in bloom, the fuckers,... I use a systemic called SNS209, rosemeric oil which makes it taste does work, but the catch is that you need a couple weeks of no dosing for it to get broken down in the plant.... So, it becomes a a butt clencher race to see if the lingering taste keeps them off long enough to stop invasion while the buds finish and clear out,... google bud worms, and note the moth that's responsible,.. might be a night flier too,... they drop a few eggs here and there, so it's not an easy thing to spot and prevent, sadly,.... If it's really bad, consider making simple cages out of stakes and window screen material next time,... :goodluck:
Enough is enough, found budrot on one AK and budworms on another AK! Can't keep blaming the strain, something was wrong. Picked out an oscillating fan with a heavy base and replaced the crappy box fan that I had sitting on the ground. Funny thing is without the fan on the bottom the roots were still getting tons of airflow from the open greenhouse flaps. The buds didn't have any airflow up top and this has been corrected. I'm going to hold out on chopping and hope that I won't lose much more than the 4 colas I ripped out.

I am wondering if the moth eggs/worms are causing the bud rot. If the fan won't keep them away for the most part then I will have to start spraying (hopefully only during late June/July?). Yellow fly strips (sticky tape) also seem to work but I am pretty sure that it actually attracts pests, when right now I don't have any beneficial insects hardly. Released ladybugs last week and they all flew out the next morning, and the dragonflies have long since gotten out of there. Did the ladybugs not for the worms but for some mite or leafhopper damage that was throughout all of the plants.

New fan, Kush XL and Haze XL in preflower on either side foreground.

Grow 2 with 2 finishing AKs in the middle here and the monster AK + CP in the back which are taking forever to mature.

Closer look at the 2 AK finishing, direct fan blast on medium. Checked the trichomes and they are nowhere near ready but again I'll just take them down early.
AK 3 and AK 4 day ???

Looks like these plants are holding out but only way to know if there is more damage is to harvest. Have some humid weather coming in trying to decide if I should chop em soon or keep trying to hold out.

This is the AK with fat buds.

This is the other AK it has purple leaves from cold nights.
Trimmed CP3 and CP4, LMAO!! barely over an ounce, doesn't even seem worth it! Thought I was going to get way more off the purple one since I lost very little but it got chopped so early that it didn't ever get a chance to fill out.

lovely purple on the buds and nice frost :thumbsup: glad you got something jarred,not much but :shrug:
hope the fan up top solves or at least lessens.
good luck n keep er lit.
Yea I'll take it! Think the moths must hit hard mid/late June and the worms start showing early July. Unless I can figure out netting I think I would have to start spraying in June for anything that was going to finish up around now. Man it is just brutal losing colas every day, just ripped a couple big ones off AK3. One of those days where everything feels off. Fucking cat went off pissing in my beds and other plants. Relentless fucking creatures.
AK3 is lost to bud worms. Pulling out worms from 80% of colas. I'd be SHOCKED if AK4 makes it through unscathed, or even 50% yield. Entirety of grow 2 is a wash and unfortunately grow 3 is only 3 plants. Two plants from grow 2 remain but they are so delayed I'm not sure what will come of them, like they look to be a month behind the others.

Should I trash AK3 or try to clean it and use it for cooking oil? That's why bud worms are so bad, you think your grow is done nope the inside of the colas are completely fucking shitted out and rotting. I don't think it's possible to wash the mess out. So frustrating and gross.

Looks like I'm going to have to spray after all, unfortunately it's not a contact spray and something you have to do in advance. This sucks so bad I'm sure I lost about a pound. Thought these things were June/July only -- nope apparently there's 3 more generations through October. Fuck!


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your run of luck has to turn around soon :vibes::karmacloud:

No way, it happened!! Either the Kush God or the Budworm God smiled upon me. I had to chop about a week early but man I'm glad I did. Only lost about a third of AK3, and hardly anything on AK4! I am calling AK3 the one with purpling leaves and AK4 the one with fat ass buds. I thought FOR SURE that AK4 would be crawling with worms, or suffering from bud rot, but nope the big ole colas were perfect if a bit premature. Biggest yield yet, hoping I will break the 4oz dry barrier with this one. Man the Critical Purple got fucking decimated by the worms and rot but the AK has held out well for me. Bring on the kush! Bud shots are a bit gnarly looking as they were dripping wet.

Starting to get hype. AK4 has the size of colas I want. Figured out what was wrong with my germination setup and the White Widow seeds are nearly ready to plant after just a day and a half. Also I ordered Monterey BT and will hit all the outdoor plants with it.

AK 4:baked:

AK3 thought I would lose way more than a third of it