New Grower Perpetual Harvest with Autos - Indoor LED to Outdoor - 3x Simultaneous Grows

Know when you're ready to harvest? When you can't fit in the greenhouse anymore!

Haze XL 2 from Grow 3 a real stunner

Kush XL from Grow 3 doesn't really look done but the calyxes are degrading

Haze XL 1 from Grow 3 lost over half this plant to bud worms and botrytis, for some reason it looked ready weeks before the other ones, many more degraded calyxes from over-ripeness
The spinosad definitely works, it has drastically reduced my problems. No more rot because the worms are gone. I guess this stuff is banned because it can harm bees but that's okay because I don't have any bees in my greenhouse. I do have a rogue worm that I haven't been able to find yet chomping on one of the Sour Kush.

I'll try to get some pictures soon but these plants an extra couple weeks it seems like. The photo White Widows have gotten about a foot taller than most the autos but their flowering seems much further behind than I would have like for my climate. Hopefully will be able to keep them going into November if needed. Ideal harvest is more like early or mid October because it starts getting cold humid and rainy. Speaking of weather I feel like we've had a very mild summer compared to last year.

My greenhouse is falling apart! The PE mesh is chipping plastic flakes everywhere and onto/into the buds. I wonder how many tiny plastic particles are getting into the bud :( I am going to tear this thing down after harvest but was hoping to use it to keep other plants alive through the winter. Does anyone have some DIY greenhouse plans they would suggest following? I'm at a weird spot where they are changing the local laws and dealing with structure permits, but I want a new greenhouse before the winter. The whole legality situation has been very frustrating to say the least, but at least it's decriminalized.
One light rain and my China greenhouse is toast. Considering ending for the year. The plants are covered in rain water which I didn't expect but is fine. However the entire ceiling of the greenhouse started disintegrating, from a few little plastic chips to now the plants COVERED in plastic bits which are stuck to them now because they are wet. Who the fuck even sells this as a product if it doesn't even last a year? Thousands of plastic particles all over the plants, who knows how many little bits I can't even see? This plastic shit has got to cause cancer or something right?

I'll ask one more time but if there's a lack of interest in this thread then I'll have nothing much more to post
Does anyone have some DIY greenhouse plans they would suggest following?
One light rain and my China greenhouse is toast. Considering ending for the year. The plants are covered in rain water which I didn't expect but is fine. However the entire ceiling of the greenhouse started disintegrating, from a few little plastic chips to now the plants COVERED in plastic bits which are stuck to them now because they are wet. Who the fuck even sells this as a product if it doesn't even last a year? Thousands of plastic particles all over the plants, who knows how many little bits I can't even see? This plastic shit has got to cause cancer or something right?

I'll ask one more time but if there's a lack of interest in this thread then I'll have nothing much more to post
Hose the plastic off before they are done. Put some clear plastic over the roof to keep the rain off.

Sent from my comfy chair.
[emoji16][emoji41] [emoji43][emoji848]
I think I'm out. Got in there and there is extreme damage from the plastic. The problem is it will get worse. This is a huge 120 sqft greenhouse I don't think I'm going to line the inside with plastic. The damage is already done. Once a bit of wind hits it there won't be any more plastic just mesh :rofl:

Still got a couple pounds from other harvests thanks to autos :smoker1:

Is there anyone that thinks I should try to continue with these White Widows? Ideally they would be finishing within the next couple weeks but they don't look anywhere close to done for me. Into November and there's just not going to be enough sun or warmth or low humidity.

Know when you're ready to harvest? When you can't fit in the greenhouse anymore!
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Haze XL 2 from Grow 3 a real stunner
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Kush XL from Grow 3 doesn't really look done but the calyxes are degrading
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Haze XL 1 from Grow 3 lost over half this plant to bud worms and botrytis, for some reason it looked ready weeks before the other ones, many more degraded calyxes from over-ripeness
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:greenthumb: Nice work! :headbang: :slap:
Try using a Leaf Blower.

You may be in need of this, It's where a lot of us hang out on the site.

Don't think you are required to watch all the music videos, or you never catch up at busy times.

If you want folks to see your grow, you can drop a link there as an invitation, maybe describe if you need help, or have an issue with stuff.

Bye the way, I have lived in Santa Rosa, Lake County, Redding, Sacramento, Calaveras County, and Galt, all in NorCal, before moving to Colorado.
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Hey now,
Awesome project! Pretty amazing scale, large!
Trifecta crop Control. Amazing stuff, I used it for mites, saved my grow! You can use it all through flower as well. It may be worth looking into for your issues aws well.
Peace and happy growing,