Mephisto Genetics Papa E Does Sour Crinkle!

Nice job on that LST @PapaEmeritus . Plants are looking happy and healthy. :thumbsup:

Thanks man! I'm really happy with it. Took me awhile to get used to the idea of bending the plants that heavily but it's worked out wonderfully. My smaller plant has NINE tops on it. Once I get the bigger plant defoliated a bit it's gonna be amazing.
Noticed some purple stems while I was watering earlier. Not sure if it's genetic or possible P deficiency, but figured posting a few pics and seeing what y'all thought wouldn't be a bad idea.




So, I was thinking genetic because it's so dark and uniform in color (some pics of P deficiency, the stems look kinda stippled in streaks with purple rather than the solid, dark like this is) but the green underside of the stems (facing away from the lights) has me confused. Hey @mephisto - any advice/input? @Seabass , @912GreenSkell ? I have to make new nutes tomorrow - should I throw in a bit of liquid or dry Koolbloom to get some more P in the mix?
What's your temperature? Too low can cause red stems.

Between 70-77F and 23-38% humidity, which I realize could be bumped up a bit.

Current feed as of 5/18 is 1ml Armor Si, 5g Maxibloom, 3g Recharge, 2ml Floralicious, 3ml CaliMagic per 2 gallons. Comes out to 590ppm, getting 130-145ppm out. I realize the shortcomings of measuring runoff - I just use it to show me that the plants are eating, etc. I'll be making new nutes today or tomorrow, and can easily add in a little P boost if that ends up being necessary.
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Looking at the overall plants health, vigor and color....I wouldn't even worry about it. I find trying to add more of this or that usually brings about more trouble then it helps unless it's something obvious, i.e. Cal mag, N tox, nute burns... This to me looks more genetic. :thumbsup: That's just me 2 pennies, maybe an expert like @Waira can take a gander.
Looking at the overall plants health, vigor and color....I wouldn't even worry about it. I find trying to add more of this or that usually brings about more trouble then it helps unless it's something obvious, i.e. Cal mag, N tox, nute burns... This to me looks more genetic. :thumbsup: That's just me 2 pennies, maybe an expert like @Waira can take a gander.

Yeah, I'm leaning towards genetic too for what it's worth. And everything else does look good. I just had a hell of a time last grow with a P deficiency because I let it go way too long before getting it diagnosed so I'm a little paranoid now, lol. I'm seriously loving the coco so far though - kicks the crap out of hempy buckets (for me at least). Both plants are just loaded with bud sites and I'm *so* ready to see 'em start doing their thing. :biggrin:

Thanks for weighing in, man. I appreciate it!:pass:
:smoking:-- Seabass, what's good man?
....PapaE' I'd say from the looks of the plants overall, this is a normal expression of color... P defc. does usually cause petioles to color up, but it's so common in other plants as normal expression, or for some other reason, that I find it not be be a very good diagnostic symptom on it's own,... just watch the leaves for color fade and larger necrotic patches which are more typical P defc. symptoms,.. Maxibloom is good stuff, and pretty rich, so I doubt you'll have troubles if you keep your input up....
BTW, here's a link to the EC/TDS conversion chart and some definitions...
....PapaE' I'd say from the looks of the plants overall, this is a normal expression of color... P defc. does usually cause petioles to color up, but it's so common in other plants as normal expression, or for some other reason, that I find it not be be a very good diagnostic symptom on it's own,... just watch the leaves for color fade and larger necrotic patches which are more typical P defc. symptoms,.. Maxibloom is good stuff, and pretty rich, so I doubt you'll have troubles if you keep your input up....
BTW, here's a link to the EC/TDS conversion chart and some definitions...

Thanks for stopping by, Waira! Your know-how is always appreciated. I haven't seen any other symptoms of an issue - I just had such a bad time with my last grow that I'm a little paranoid about waiting too long to diagnose something now, haha. And ya gotta love Maxibloom, it keeps things super simple and cheap when it comes to mixing nutes. Thanks for the EC/TDS thread too, I'll give it a look. :d5:

70f is too cold, try to keep temps 80-85f at all times and I bet that purple will go away and your plants will grow faster too...

Gotta respectfully disagree with ya there. I had temp issues in previous grows that had my temps consistently in the 80's, and I had a much harder time keeping my plants happy. So far they're thriving in the 70's, so I think I'll probably keep em where they're at for the time being. :thumbsup: