LIght burn and phospherus deficiency? Purple and dying leaves late flowering

Well............ Your EC 1.2 600 PPM is a bit low overall the but the low temperatures would sorta match the nutrient level. Faster growth is at 78°F day 68°F night. I would not run temps like yours until the last couple of weeks to intentionaly bring out the colors .The low temperatures are contributing to the Fall Colors. I see what can be magnesium and potassium looking problems but it may be You used too much Cal-Mag as Canna Coco would already have enough.

Another thing are you fertigating with single nutrients? This will cause lock-outs. If you fertigate with a single nutrient what is presented to the roots at that time will be out of balance with everything. Always add additional nutrients to the regular balanced nutrient mix. Be sure to mix them in the vendor recommended order and strength.

Thank you, all noted.

No I never use single nutrients. Always mixed together and never to an EC change of more than 0.2 per day.

One thing I have noticed some salt build up on the surface of the coco, which is another potential pointer toward lockout of some kind I would assume?

I will be increasing the night temps. I have noticed the last few days it has dipped below 12C/54F, my first plant never experienced anything below 18C at any point and that showed none of these issues. I may have to do this by slowing the rate of extraction.

Lots of potential reasons! I'll try to not let them occur in the first place next time. Thank you for your continued help
Thank you, all noted.

No I never use single nutrients. Always mixed together and never to an EC change of more than 0.2 per day.

One thing I have noticed some salt build up on the surface of the coco, which is another potential pointer toward lockout of some kind I would assume?

I will be increasing the night temps. I have noticed the last few days it has dipped below 12C/54F, my first plant never experienced anything below 18C at any point and that showed none of these issues. I may have to do this by slowing the rate of extraction.

Lots of potential reasons! I'll try to not let them occur in the first place next time. Thank you for your continued help
If you can see a salt build up you need to do a nutrient flush. I see peeps all the time with fabric pots just dripping with salt on the outside it looks like a grinding wheel well it looks just like that on the inside:yoinks: .

You are running coco and a lot of inert media growers (coco is not quite inert but close) do not think they have a rhizosphere of organisms but you/they do. So in a flush you will lose some of that rhizosphere. Be prepared to rejuvenate it with some Myckos or other good quality microbes. Do a good Coco Nutrient Flush with 50% nutrient strength to 50% run-off achieved with several fertigations over the same day. This should get you back on track. Do not add additional Cal-mag unless the plant asks for it. This is a nutrient schedule from the Canna website - you paid for it by buying their products so use it. You can go in and tweak it bit this is the general idea. If you are going to use a vendor use all of their stuff. Picking nutrients randomly because it sounds good is not science. it is like buying a Ferrari and putting a Volkswagen piston in the motor and a tank tread on the left side. Thewhole think just works better with the synergy built in by the vendor. Canna can grow good plants!

This is not all of the information so be sure to go to the website and read it all. They have an awesome library!
ScreenHunter_298 Sep. 12 20.48.jpg
In addition to the a+b I have Canna PK13/14 and Boost. I have held off on using the Boost until I have consistently successful grows as it’s very expensive. I will try to build the full range in next time round. I have been using pk13/14 and calmag in response to symptoms

I did complete the full first grow, same strain, on just the above though and only minimal deficiencies that time round but clearly a mistake has thrown these two off
I have done a flush on the smaller of the two plants as it’s only in a 5 litre pot so I had time/energy to do it. Half nute strength flushed through 3x the pot size, then fertigated with the recommended canna ‘Generative period iii’ nutes, minus the rhiztonic and cannazym as I own neither. So not a proper flush with microbe replenishment but the best I could do.

I am away the next few days so for the larger, more deficient, plant I have just made up a load of feed at half strength to be watered through the week by a friend who is looking after them. So it will be a slow version of a flush I guess. I don’t think there will be anything left of the leaves when I get back so it’ll likely be chopped anyway.

Thank you again for all the input
I have done a flush on the smaller of the two plants as it’s only in a 5 litre pot so I had time/energy to do it. Half nute strength flushed through 3x the pot size, then fertigated with the recommended canna ‘Generative period iii’ nutes, minus the rhiztonic and cannazym as I own neither. So not a proper flush with microbe replenishment but the best I could do.

I am away the next few days so for the larger, more deficient, plant I have just made up a load of feed at half strength to be watered through the week by a friend who is looking after them. So it will be a slow version of a flush I guess. I don’t think there will be anything left of the leaves when I get back so it’ll likely be chopped anyway.

Thank you again for all the input
I have used and liked the Canna products but I am a cheapskate. I am using GreenLeaf Mega Crop 2 part with some added bio-stimulants and It will cost me about $15 for the MC and $50 total to grow 6 plants from seed to harvest. Perhaps a less expensive line that you can provide all of the pieces would be a better idea?
Well given that I have committed to the line by recently buying 5L each of A and B, I have just ordered cannazyme and rhiztonic.

I had understood from reading others’ exp that one could get by on A and B and Pk13/14, and given the relative cost on my first grow that’s all I opted for and presumed because it worked for plant 1 that plant 2 and 3 would be okay. I didn’t appreciate the whole line was considered staple and I’d risk issues by not using it.

I guess in the long run I should stick to the Canna line and just refine my use of it over several grows until I appreciate the subtleties and how/when to use what (when the chart fails). Once I’m familiar with it and more experienced I’ll probably be yielding enough good quality bud to spread the cost of the nutes thinly
So the larger plant continues to wilt and consume herself, but in the 4 days I have been away the upper buds have ripened a little more with some more amber showing. At the weekend I will chop her main cola - or would it be better to just chop the buds and leave the few leaves left in tact so the nutrients from them can be consumed for the last few days of lower bud ripening? She doesn’t seem to be taking any nutrients out of the grow medium so...

Smaller younger plant: I flushed her as recommended 3x pot size & half strength nutes 4 days ago. Have been ferting at the recommended 1.1 Canna ‘light’ feed schedule of 1 - 1.1EC. Still seems to be displaying the same symptoms of yellow tips and purpling to new growth areas. Cannazyme and rhiztonic arrived today so I can use them next feed. Unsure if I should have seen improvements by now 4 days post-flush?

Attached pics of the smaller plant


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I have just chopped the larger plant. Looks like it has hermied (bananas, etc) and pollenated the smaller plant by the look of it too.

Edit - on closer inspection they had clearly been hermie-ing this week while I was away. A lot of seed development through most of the lower buds. Have chopped both and thrown them both away entirely. I guess I’ll need to deep clean the tent of pollen before trying another grow.

0/3 successful grows so far then :/. Hopefully will have one by the tenth attempt!


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