New Grower OXOSSI RULES OK!!! -First time grow with new LED, Auto mazaar, Afghan Kush & Diesel Ryder

well if you havent watered, and they seem to be looking better, maybe thats what it is..i know a few good growers that told me to keep it as simple as possible, and youll be ok
That was my thought, that possibly the light was bleaching the leaves. Just to be safe you might raise it up a bit more, say to 24" and see if it makes a difference. If you have some cal/mag supplement you can also give them a foliar spray with it, mixed at about 1 teaspoon per quart of pHed water. Some of the early 2011 models of the GrowLEDHydro 290 watt LED lights had bleaching issues and the cal/mag worked well in those situations.

If it needs water, by all means give it some. But just plain, pHed water. What is Vitalink? I did a quick search and did not find any information on it.

If it looks like it's getting better just give it a couple days and see if it improves. Outside of the yellowing they look healthy.
Hi muddy, well I changed it to 24" as soon as I got your post this morning, I checked them again at 8pm and they seemed to be doing better, the new growth seemed to be a darker green like it was before . I thought I would double-check with Quantum Bloom so I e-mailed them and to my suprise got an answer from Muddy (they get everywhere lol) within 20 minutes (pretty good customer service) and his advice was 36" for veg and 24" for flowering so after a bit of rejigging the light was positioned 36" above them and I will see how they are in the morning.
I am not sure what effect it has, on growth, having the light too close to them but i shall be watching them closely!!!!
It accelerated growth and the plants can't draw up nutrients fast enough so the plant suffers. It only hit me last night that it could have been bleaching from the lights being too close. Sorry I didn't catch that sooner. Glad you got a quick response and some useful information. If you would, go to the Reference Links sub forum and post that information, including information about the light, wattage, etc. and the height recommendations. That way we'll have it for future reference.

I would do as he recommends, watch your plants and slowly lower the light till you find the point where you can give them the most light without causing harm. I would still recommend a foliar spray of some calcium. That has proven very effective for bleached plants. It's good to keep some cal/mag on hand. Some auto strains exhibit occasional calcium deficiencies and it can be quickly treated if you have the supplement available.
after a day at 36" I dropped the ligh by 3 inches and gave them a watering and lo and behold ..........a lazarene cnversion!!!
Mind you by day 11, I would expect to start to see some sort of growth starting
will post some pictures tonight after 8 hours at 33"
The latest pictures

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wow, your looking great! looks like the yellowing is slowly getting better and your showing some growth on those babies! great job ogrande!
yes Finalmente, hopefully with the raise in height of the light things should go better from now on. Waiting is a bitch!!!
hahahahaha tell me about it! why cant we just plant a seed, and buds pop out of the ground? haha, well buena suerte amigo!
oh yeah, and be careful where u place those babies! they look like theyre gonna fall off a table in a couple of those pics!