New Grower OXOSSI RULES OK!!! -First time grow with new LED, Auto mazaar, Afghan Kush & Diesel Ryder

I can see the difference already. They should be fine now.

Glad to see things got sorted Ograndeviado.
Onwards andupwards sir !
And then there were two!!!!!!

Returned home after a few days away to find two plants doing OK and the Afghan Kush Ryder a shrivelled mess. The Diesel Ryder and the Auto Mazaar seem to be taking an age to start growing, although they are both finally on the move it seems they are less developed than others of their types at the same age?
I have seeded 2 more AM's which will hopefully bring me back to four plants, providing they both germinate.
On the plus side the yellow has almost gone from the leaves of the AM and obviously this is all a bit of an experiment being a first grow with an unknown lamp so I should expect a few problems along the way until I get myself sorted out. I have lowered the distance between the plant top and the light to 30" which seems to have improved things since last night. Off to the hydro shop tomorrow
I was going to water them in a couple of days, are they big enough to take nutes at this size at day 15/6 as muddy suggested or should i wait til they are bigger?


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Yes, they do look a lot better regarding the yellowing. I think you should be fine now to give them a mild feeding. 1/4 strength should be fine.
Just a thought as i use biobizz lightmix soil - and in the past have had seedlings turn yellow and look generally a bit sorry for themselves.

Turns out that i didnt realise my dirty city tap water was heavily chlorinated, and i needed to leave the water out for 24 hours to get rid of it.

This was causing my little ones to go yellow.

Now i use bottled water with a ph of 6.2 and have not seen the same problem since.

Worked for me - hope this helps

Regards - Coldharbour
thanks Cold harbour, I leave the water out for 24 hours and the pH of my bioBizz lightmix runoff is 6.2, but I have read of other people who have had problems with the Lightmix. I think it might well be an idea to change my soil, the only question is which. More research!!!!!!!!!!!
not sure if you have access to pro mix out where your at, but i hear alot of great things about it. i use something great, but its native to the u.s.
if you want to have a stable ph try allmix.. is hot and sometimes it can harm younglings but i find it very nice soil..also keeps ph stable.always 6,4-6,5...
Iv grown with all mix and the light mix and iv not had any probs at all. Like letis says iv found its real good at holding a stable ph