Grow Mediums Outdoor Grow Soil (Newbie)

@Waira Wow thank you so much for the input. I’m definitely doing my research, even more so with the knowledge you’ve given me. When we talk about nutrients, I’m still new to what to give, and when to give it
:biggrin: quite welcome Esoteric,... FF soils are dubious in general, IMO, Happy frof seems to be the better of them, Ocean Forest is the [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] problem soil I see in Sick Bay here,..they are so huge now, sourcing and quality control are real gambles,.. I have tested their soils, OF in particular, and had readings in the low 5's, in the damn bag! :finger: unacceptable,.... Also, you may want to talk with the Aussies here, they often grow in tough conditions,..
As @Waira says man strain choices will be critical! I have had great success with S.O.D.K(mephisto) in very similar conditions as yourself, also Dutch passion auto night queen maybe worth a look as I've seen a desert grow with it on here and it kicked ass! Earlier in the season I was battling 100f + days and humidity in the 20-30% range, it's going to be difficult but doable :thumbsup:. You are going to have to water very frequently, I water twice daily. As @Eyes on Fire said kelp is going to be your friend, I use it a LOT. If possible I would start indoors as high temperatures with young seedlings is tough! You don't need a flash indoor setup, I use a t5 CFL and a plastic tote. Read the two guides I posted links for and a lot of basic information is covered! Start a journal and I'll do my best to help anyway I can . It all sounds a little bit daunting now but with a little guidance you'll be swimming in homegrown buds:help:. Here's a couple of pics of what's possible in less than ideal circumstances. A good soil and quality beans are going to be the 2 biggest factors in making sure your grow is successful
well Kelp,Si,Calcium,and Flower foods(since High temps will leach certain foods) since often in higher temps the P and more over K aspects of organics will negate and be useless.I believe the same thing within the container too of bottled feeds.although organics is an easier choice when something pops up.I'll have to look at my book and notes but there are a three ingredient combo that helps with higher heat.But Im sure you will be fine here.Happy Harvesting buddy..

OH, you could even brew kelp heavy waterings.almost like a life tea.a little beyond what you might want to do but a very solid platform of feeding high temp plants.and survival 101 in high heat.get out of the sun and off the ground. dig a hole and shade it.survival 101 LOL and water n food.